Focus Population
Age Group
Days Of The Week
Payment Options
1-18 of 18
Provides a fully subsidized bus pass for travel on King County Metro and Sound Transit to residents of King, Pierce and Snohomish counties who are at or below 80% FPL and enrolled in certain benefit programs. Partially subsidized passes available for those under 200% FPL.
Provides fully subsidized annual transit pass to those enrolled in certain state benefit programs to be used on
- King County Metro
- King County Water Taxi
- Access Transportation
- Via to Transit
- Sound Transit
- Seattle Monorail
- Seattle Streetcar
- Trailhead Direct
Provides partially subsidized annual passes (ORCA Lift) to low-income area residents.
The subsidized annual pass will cover all trips from Metro to Metro, from Sound Transit to Sound Transit, and from Metro to/from Sound Transit.
If a customer uses their subsidized ORCA LIFT card to pay for travel on Community Transit, Pierce Transit, Kitsap Transit, or Everett Transit, standard transfer rules apply for transfers within and between those transit agencies.
Train Fare
Bus Fare
Local Transit Passes
Offers program that offers support and connections to services.
The Lifeline program serves as a no-wrong-door access point for support and connection to services for youth and young adults in Washington who require assistance to overcome a life challenge that could escalate into a crisis if not addressed. If you are exiting a system of care, we can help meet your immediate needs through resource navigation and the distribution of program funding for food, shelter, transportation, and more.
Bus Fare
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Case/Care Management
Food Vouchers
Provides a subsidized bus pass for travel on King County Metro and Sound Transit to residents of King, Pierce and Snohomish counties who are at or below 80% FPL and enrolled in certain benefit programs.
Provides fully subsidized annual transit pass to those enrolled in certain state benefit programs to be used on
- King County Metro
- King County Water Taxi
- Access Transportation
- Via to Transit
- Sound Transit
- Seattle Monorail
- Seattle Streetcar
- Trailhead Direct
Provides partially subsidized annual passes (ORCA Lift) to low-income area residents.
The subsidized annual pass will cover all trips from Metro to Metro, from Sound Transit to Sound Transit, and from Metro to/from Sound Transit.
If a customer uses their subsidized ORCA LIFT card to pay for travel on Community Transit, Pierce Transit, Kitsap Transit, or Everett Transit, standard transfer rules apply for transfers within and between those transit agencies.
Local Transit Passes
Bus Fare
Train Fare
2.6 Miles
Subsidized Annual Pass offered by King County Metro Transit at Community Health Access Program
Provides a fully subsidized bus pass for travel on King County Metro and Sound Transit to residents of King, Pierce and Snohomish counties who are at or below 80% FPL and enrolled in certain benefit programs. Apply online, by telephone or in person.
Provides fully subsidized annual transit pass to those enrolled in certain state benefit programs to be used on
- King County Metro
- King County Water Taxi
- Access Transportation
- Via to Transit
- Sound Transit
- Seattle Monorail
- Seattle Streetcar
- Trailhead Direct
Provides partially subsidized annual passes (ORCA Lift) to low-income area residents.
The subsidized annual pass will cover all trips from Metro to Metro, from Sound Transit to Sound Transit, and from Metro to/from Sound Transit.
If a customer uses their subsidized ORCA LIFT card to pay for travel on Community Transit, Pierce Transit, Kitsap Transit, or Everett Transit, standard transfer rules apply for transfers within and between those transit agencies.
Local Transit Passes
Bus Fare
Train Fare
Provides a drop-in center for adults of all genders experiencing homelessness to rest during the day. Light refreshments are provided; computer access and bus tickets available. Operates as a cooling center during weather advisories.
Provides a drop-in center for adults experiencing homelessness to rest during the day. Light refreshments are provided. Computer access is available.
12 bus tickets are distributed Monday through Friday at 9am, no more than one per week per person.
Operates as a cooling center during weather advisories.
Bus Fare
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Homeless Drop In Centers
Operates a drop-in center for homeless adults only; NO CHILDREN allowed. Offers housing navigation, phone services, information and referral, and limited transportation help. Serves as a cooling center during hot weather.
Operates a drop-in center for homeless adults. Offers navigation assistance for housing resources and case management.
Limited bus tickets available.
Free Wi-Fi and local phone usage.
Operation meal service supplies two meals lunch and dinner M-F, Saturday dinner only.
Can sometimes offer transportation assistance to re-unite individuals to family.
A medical doctor visits the center three days per week to assist with wound care, consultation and referrals for medical care.
Serves as a cooling center during hot weather.
Also offers information and referral to assist clients in obtaining resources such as the following:
- Shelter
- Housing
- Health services
- Public benefits
Housing Search Assistance
Bus Fare
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Telephone Facilities
Medical Dressing
Case/Care Management
General Medical Care
Return to Point of Origin
Homeless Drop In Centers
Provides limited basic needs and financial assistance to those needing help due to a current or recent DV situation involving intimate partner abuse.
Provides limited basic needs and financial assistance to eligible applicants needing help as result of a current or recent (within 6 months) intimate partner abuse situation.
Services are confidential.
Provides financial assistance based on funding availability with:
- Utility bill arrears
- Housing: funds for landlord applications and move-in costs subject to funders guidelines while funds last. No rental assistance is available.
- Food/Grocery items
- Basic Clothing
- Hygiene items/Toiletries
- Prescriptions
- Eyeglasses
- Bus tickets/ Transport
- Diapers
- Baby formula
- Other infant needs
Language interpretation is available in person or over the phone.
Prescription Expense Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Food Vouchers
Clothing Vouchers
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Bus Fare
Formula/Baby Food
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Offers bus tickets (usually 2) for local transportation to anyone in need.
Offers bus tickets for local transportation only. Issues at least two bus tickets at a time (depending on supply).
Offers classes on various subjects including ESL and computer literacy. Helps fill out applications for state and local benefits. Assists with finding housing.
System Navigation helps families and individuals navigate resources and applications at the local, state and federal level with spanish language access.
Bill Assistance Navigation: PSE Utility Discount Enrollment, SCL Utility Discount Enrollment
Housing: Mediation planning & Tenant Rights Workshops, Housing navigation & guidance
Government Programs: SNAP, DSHS, Disability, SSI, Unemployment
Translation/Interpretation support - Ie, Medical Charity Application, Records Request for Police Reports, Motor vehicle claim for damages (initial report only)
Transportation: Bus Tickets distribution (Adult & RRFP), ORCA Lift referral, Access KCM, Parking Permits, Disabled Parking Pass, Residential Disabled Request Form, Car registration FAQs
Disability Parking Permits
Certificates/Forms Assistance
Bus Fare
Food Stamps/SNAP Applications
Unemployment Insurance Benefits Assistance
SSI Applications
Housing Search Assistance
English as a Second Language
Social Security Disability Insurance Applications
Residential Parking Permits
Offers financial assistance to cancer patients who are within a three-month window of treatment. Includes help with rent, food & medical supplies.
Offers financial assistance to cancer patients in urgent need who are within a three-month window of treatment. Cancer patients may be eligible for a one-time grant of up to $450 to help with expenses including the following:
- Rent/mortgage
- Utilities
- Food
- Transportation
- Dental care
- Childcare
- Medical supplies
- Prescription copays
Financial assistance may take up to two to three months, so program is not able to assist with immediate shut-off or eviction notices.
Bus Fare
Gas Money
Food Vouchers
Rent Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Incidental Medical Expense Assistance
Dental Care Expense Assistance
Child Care Expense Assistance
Pays for and arranges non-emergency transportation to Medicaid-covered services for King County residents only; call in advance for reservations, bus passes or reimbursement.
Arranges transportation for trips to WA Apple Health (Medicaid)-covered services such as doctor, dentist and mental health appointments.
Types of transportation include buses, taxis, mileage reimbursement and lift vehicles.
Reimbursement includes gas cards at $. 35 per mile.
No ambulance service is provided.
Does not cover prescription pick-up.
Disability Related Transportation
Gas Money
Non-Emergency Medical Transportation
Bus Fare
Helps veterans with food, shelter, utilities, eviction prevention, haircut vouchers, move-in costs, medical, gas and prescriptions. Satellite offices located throughout King County.
Provides financial assistance to help veterans with housing, employment and medical expenses as well as life stability.
Financial assistance is provided as part of a client's service plan.
- Financial assistance for housing expenses (e. g. , rent, mortgage), eviction prevention, move-in expenses, transitional housing and shelter expenses.
- Financial assistance for medical expenses, medical aids/equipment and prescriptions.
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Food Vouchers
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Gas Money
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Hair and Nail Care
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
14.6 Miles
Passports to Careers offered by ANEW
Provides help with removing barriers for young adults ages 13-21 in state-recognized apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship programs who have experienced foster care or homelessness.
Covers occupational-specific costs and provides case management to help support apprentices and pre-apprentices with their long-term goals.
Assistance includes:
- Hygiene
- Prepaid Phone
- Phone Bill
- Electricity Bill
- Bus Pass
- Gas Cards
- Professional Clothing
- Work Clothing
- Work Tools
- Licensing Fees
- Emergency Services (Rent, Utilities, Car Repairs, etc. )
- Union Dues and/or Initiation Fees
- Apprenticeship Books and Tuition
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Rent Payment Assistance
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Driver License Fee Payment Assistance
Work Clothing
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Work Related Fee Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Gas Money
Helps veterans with food, shelter, utilities, eviction prevention, employment related expenses, move-in costs, medical, gas and prescriptions. Satellite offices located throughout King County.
Provides financial assistance to help veterans with housing, employment and medical expenses as well as life stability.
Financial assistance is provided as part of a client's service plan.
- Financial assistance for housing expenses (e. g. , rent, mortgage), eviction prevention, move-in expenses, transitional housing and shelter expenses.
- Financial assistance for medical expenses, medical aids/equipment and prescriptions.
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Gas Money
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Prescription Expense Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Medical Care Expense Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Bus Fare
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Food Vouchers
Hair and Nail Care
Automotive Repair and Maintenance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Tuition Assistance
Offers services to the unhoused of King County.
Offers a variety of services focused on assisting the unhoused,
Food: Sandwiches, snacks, water, and select canned goods & dry goods, as supplies last first come first serve
Mail: Client needs to sign mail agreement form. We do not accept packages.
Bus Tickets: as supplies last, bus tickets weekly.
Resource Referrals: Referrals are made based on need & requested assistance.
ID Replacement: Assistance with identifying locations for free IDs and/or directly assisting with ID replacements.
Case Management: Assistance on a case-by-case basis and requested assistance.
Brown Bag Food Programs
Case/Care Management
Identification Card Fee Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Local Transit Passes
No Cook Food
Provides financial assistance for transportation for eligible Vashon and Maury Island residents.
Provides ferry and Metro tickets and to eligible participants.
Provides assistance with rent, move-in costs, utilities (urgent or shut-off notice required), case management and bus tickets to residents with families of King County.
Provides limited assistance with the following:
- Rent payment assistance
- Move-in costs
- Utilities
- Short-term case management
- Information and referral
- Sometimes has help for bus tickets
Case/Care Management
Water Service Payment Assistance
Trash/Recycling Service Payment Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Rental Deposit Assistance
Specialized Information and Referral
Provides financial assistance for needs such as rent, bus passes, utility bills and other needs through local neighborhood chapters.
Many chapters have very limited or no financial assistance available.
Provides limited financial assistance through local neighborhood chapters.
- Helps with rent payments.
- Provides Metro bus tickets.
- Helps paying utility bills.
- Telephone bills ( may be provided depending on parish conference and circumstance).
- Helps with other needs either through financial assistance or through a voucher to a SVDP thrift store
- No cable bills
Not all areas of King County are served by a chapter; not all existing neighborhood chapters have financial assistance available.
Heating Fuel Payment Assistance
Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Sewer Service Payment Assistance
Bus Fare
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Water Service Payment Assistance
Telephone Service Payment Assistance
Rent Payment Assistance