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Provides skills training to help people with disabilities live independently in the community. Services may include household management, attendant care management, using assistive technology and finding and retaining housing & employment.


Prevocational Training
Job Search/Placement
Welfare Rights Assistance
Assistive Technology Information
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Prejob Guidance
Provides information and referral regarding devices and services for people with disabilities, assistive technology professionals and others.


Assistive Technology Information
Specialized Information and Referral
Offers free assistive technology device demonstrations to help people with disabilities make informed decisions about the devices and services they need for employment, education, independent living and use of information technology.
Provides skills training to help people with disabilities live independently in the community. Services may include household management, attendant care management, using assistive technology and finding and retaining housing & employment.


Welfare Rights Assistance
Assistive Technology Information
Prevocational Training
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Provides skills training to help people with disabilities live independently in the community. Services may include household management, attendant care management, using assistive technology and finding and retaining housing & employment.


Prevocational Training
Welfare Rights Assistance
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Prejob Guidance
Assistive Technology Information
Job Search/Placement