Women's Shelter offered at Rescue Mission
Provides emergency shelter to unaccompanied women, aged 18 and older. Dormitory style shelter.
Physical Address
425 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98402
Office: M-F, 8am-5pm Shelter is offered daily.
Application process
Call during normal hours for intake information.
No cost.
Women, aged 18 and older.
Service area
Pierce, WA
Agency info
Rescue Mission
Provides emergency services such as food and shelter to homeless and low-income people. Offers programs to help lift people from poverty, break addictions, and promote self-sufficiency. Programs include: - single men's shelter, - single women's shelter, - family shelter, - transitional housing for homeless families, - affordable apartments for previously homeless single individuals with physical or mental disabilities, - free meals three times daily, - adult basic education, and - faith-based addiction recovery program for men and women.