
LIHEAP and PSE HELP offered by Multi-Service Center in Federal Way

Provides financial assistance to income-eligible households to help with heating and other energy bills when funds are available. Water and sewer assistance is currently unavailable. LIHEAP heating costs include: - Electricity - Gas - Wood - Oil - Propane   Those who have received LIHEAP assistance may also be eligible to apply for a free air conditioning unit if funding is available. Puget Sound Energy's Home Energy Lifeline Program (PSE HELP) is able to assist with PSE gas and electric bills in addition to any assistance received from the LIHEAP program; PSE HELP can also assist with PSE gas and electric bills that do not contribute to heating the household.   Once appointment is scheduled, applicants should contact their utility company with their appointment confirmation number. In most cases the utility company can put a hold on the shut-off process if the applicant has an appointment with LIHEAP or PSE HELP. Clients can confirm or cancel an appointment by going to the website and clicking on the button marked 'Check or Cancel Existing Appointment. ' Clients can also call the automated Appointment and Information Line to confirm or cancel an appointment, to hear program eligibility and to get other helpful information about the Energy Assistance Program.    Additional Information: -  On average, appointments are scheduled for two to four weeks after the appointment is set. -  Qualified applicants will have a fixed amount paid to the utility company depending on housing type, household income and energy use.   -  It may take six to eight weeks for utility company to receive the payment.

Physical Address

1200 South 336th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003


24 hours daily.

Application process

Call to schedule an appointment over the phone, or visit website to schedule an appointment online. Phone may beep with a busy signal when all lines are busy; try again later. Appointments open up at a random time, once per day, M-F. Fewer appointments become available on weekends, mainly only when an appointment is canceled. NO DROP-IN SERVICES.   Website: Using the website is recommended as it is a faster method of receiving appointments. Phone and website pull from the same pool of available appointments.   Energy Assistance Appointment and Information Line: Line is automated, so calls can be made any time, 24 hours daily. Be prepared to listen closely to the recording and write down all documentation required at the appointment. Visit website to apply for an air conditioning unit until funds are expended.




Generally serves residents of South King County, however: Callers living in ZIP codes 98106 and 98178 within Seattle city limits should call Byrd Barr Place. Callers living in ZIP code 98146 will be served by MSC, whether residing inside or outside Seattle city limits.   Gross household income must be at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Level for LIHEAP. NET household income must be at or below 80% Area Median Income for PSE HELP. Eligible clients must apply for LIHEAP assistance first, after which they may be eligible to apply for PSE HELP. Eligible residents may receive assistance one time per program year for LIHEAP and one time per program year for PSE HELP. Account must be in client's name or in a household member's name. Applicants with heat payment included in their rent are also eligible to apply for energy assistance. LIHEAP and PSE HELP programs serve residents of private, public and subsidized (HUD/Section 8) housing. Overdue utility bill or shut-off notice is NOT required. Only one AC unit per household, per lifetime.






Service area

98178 98092 98064 98059 98058 98057 98056 98055 98051 98050 98042 98038 98032 98031 98030 98010 98198 98188 98168 98166 98158 98148 98146 98106 98070 98063 98054 98047 98027 98025 98023 98022 98013 98003 98002 98001 98354, King, WA

Agency info

Multi-Service Center

Provides basic needs services including housing/rental assistance, energy bill assistance, support for employment, as well as community resource navigation. Operates food bank in Federal Way.