
Supported Housing and Employment Services offered by Mysti’s Adult and Family Services in Seattle

Provides rental, utility, and move-in assistance to qualified clients seeking to maintain or acquire housing. Also provides supported employment services. Clients can choose to use both housing and employment services if qualified. Qualified clients will have to meet age, insurance, health and risk factor requirements. Provides case management, housing, and employment support to get clients self-sufficient. Services are available to those who are considered Domestic Violence clients who meet the other eligibility requirements. Provides Literally Homeless/Street Outreach to connect to people where they are.


Intakes: M-W, 10am-3pm

Application process

Call for an intake.


Both supports require that participants in King and Pierce County meet eligibility in four areas: Medicaid, age, have one risk factor, have one assessed health needs-based criteria. 1. Medicaid - participants in both programs must have Medicaid or be Medicaid eligible. 2. Age - housing participants must be at least 18. Employment participants must be at least 16 years old. 3. Risk factors - housing and employment programs have different risk factors. - - Housing (need to have one of these) : - - - - Homeless for at least 12 months or Homeless on at least four separate occasions in the last three years that combine to equal at least 12 months. This includes those that were chronically homeless but have been housed within the last 60 days. OR - - - - Two or more contacts in the past 12 months, or 90 or more consecutive days within an institutional setting (ex: psychiatric hospital, inpatient facility, correctional institution). OR - - - - Two or more adult residential care stays within the past 12 months (ex: Adult family home, group home, assisted living, residential treatment). OR - - - - Frequent turnover of in-home caregivers (three or more caregiving agencies used in the past 12 months). - Employment (need to have one of these) - - - Unable to be gainfully employed for at least 90 consecutive days due to a mental or physical impairment (examples include HEN and ABD participants) OR - - - SUD with repeated inpatient treatment episodes (two or more times in inpatient treatment within the past two years) OR - - - Diagnosed mental health and/or SUD that is at risk of deteriorating without intervention (examples include isolation due to homelessness, poverty or criminal justice interactions, or a diagnoses that requires treatment from different types of providers, or a history of pyschiatric treatment that requires continuation, or cannot maintain employment/education resulting in firings or expulsions) OR - - - An inability to obtain or maintain employment resulting from age, physical disability or traumatic brain injury (usually receiving services from Aging and Long-Term Care). 4. The assessed health needs criteria can be complex, but generally for both programs one of these conditions must be met. - Mental health need where there is need for improvement, stabilization or prevention of deterioration of functioning resulting from the presence of a mental illness (receiving services through a behavioral health organization - BHO or integrated managed care IMC) OR - Need for outpatient substance use disorder (SUD) treatment (receiving services through BHO or IMC) OR - Need for assistance with three or more activities of daily living (ADL) (receiving long-term care [LTC] services) OR - Need for hands-on assistance with one or more ADL (receiving LTC services). If a housing participant didn't meet one of the health criteria listed above, they may still be eligible if they have - Complex physical health need, which is a long continuing or indefinite physical condition requiring improvement, stabilization or prevention of deterioration of functioning. If an employment participant didn't meet one of the criteria listed above, they may still be eligible if they have an - Objective evidence of physical impairments, and because of this, the individual needs assistance with basic work-related activities (generally, someone who is receiving Housing and Essential Needs (HEN) or the Aged Blind Disabled (ABD) program.


No cost.

Agency info

Mysti’s Adult and Family Services

Offers years of experience helping clients access resources to housing, employment, and other social supports such as SSI, Food Stamps, and other services to help them get back on their feet. Connects clients in need to rent assistance, utility help, housing supports and employment. Believe that a healthier Washington state is a housed, and healthy Washington State.