
Pregnancy Counseling offered by Open Adoption & Family Services in Portland

Nonprofit organization that provides free, all-options pregnancy counseling that empower clients with information and resources as they explore all their options (parenting, abortion, and adoption) in a supportive environment. For those who choose adoption, our high integrity, fully open adoptions include ongoing visits and lifelong adoption-related counseling and support.

Physical Address

5410 South Macadam Avenue, Portland, OR 97239


Counselors are available seven days a week from 7am-9pm.

Application process

Call for appointment or visit website to complete an online contact form. In-person and virtual appointments are available.


No cost to expectant parents





Interpreter services

Service area

Wahkiakum, WA Skamania, WA Cowlitz, WA Clark, WA OR

Agency info

Open Adoption & Family Services

Supports pregnant people in exploring all of their pregnancy options in an atmosphere of dignity and respect. When the choice is adoption, they facilitate child-centered open adoptions. Assisting birth parents and adoptive parents as they create healthy, long-term relationships that address the ongoing needs of the child. Licensed in Oregon and Washington, with offices in Portland, Eugene and Seattle.