Training & Supported Employment offered at Northwest Center in Omak
Provides assessments, on-the-job training, job development and ongoing long-term support for adults with disabilities. Support individuals through the entire employment process. Services include: - Community based assessments - Trial work assessments - Job placement services - Retentions and intensive trainings
Physical Address
307 South Main Street, Omak, WA 98841
M-F, 8am-5pm.
Application process
Call for more information or fill out form on website.
Paid for by DSHS's Developmental Disabilities Administration, DSHS's Division of Vocational Rehabilitation as well as private pay.
Focuses on supporting people with significant developmental disabilities. DDA Contract: Adults, ages 21 and older. DVR Contract: Adults, ages 18 and older.
Service area
Okanogan, WA
Agency info
Northwest Center
Provides support services for children and adults with disabilities, and occupational skills training and community-based employment services for adults with disabilities.