
Food Bank offered at St. Charles Borromeo Parish

Provides non-perishable food to residents in Pierce County up to 6 times in a year. The service year starts on July 1 and ends on June 30 the following year. No financial assistance is available.

Physical Address

7112 South 12th Street, Tacoma, WA 98465


To schedule pick-up time: Tu Th Sa, 10am-12pm. Food Pick-up: Sa, 10am-12pm.

Application process

Call between 10am-12pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays. Keep calling until someone picks up, there is no call waiting or voice mail. Food pickup will be the following Saturday the food bank is open. Those who call on Tuesday and Thursday will pick up on Saturday and those who call on Saturday will pick up on the following Saturday.




Pierce County residents.

Service area

Pierce, WA

Agency info

St. Charles Borromeo Parish

Provides emergency non-perishable food to residents of Pierce County.