Eviction Prevention offered by Pierce County Human Services
Providing rental assistance to households who reside in Pierce County who can not pay their rent. Renters must have the lease in their name, and agree to case management services. Helps with up to 3 months of rent. Renters may also use this service for utilities, but it is not for utilities only. Payments are made directly to the landlord. Serves individuals and families. Total household income must be within the income guidelines. Funding is from the county and administered through agency partners.
Physical Address
3602 Pacific Ave, Tacoma, WA 98418
Apply online any time.
Application process
Apply online through the Pierce County website. Make sure to have the correct contact for the Landlord before starting the application. Tenants are STRONGLY encouraged to work with their landlords to obtain the required documents PRIOR to submission. Those without internet access may drop in to two locations to get help submitting the application: - WorkSource Pierce (2121 South State Street, Suite 300, Tacoma, WA 98405) on Mondays from 1pm-3pm. - Pierce County District Court Resource Center (925 Tacoma Ave South, Tacoma, WA 98402) on Thursdays from 8am-4pm After complete applications are submitted, eligible households will be chosen for assistance through a random lottery system. If approved for the assistance, the nonprofits providing the service will reach out to the landlord to collect documentation and payment information.
No cost to apply or receive assistance.
- Live in Pierce County (including City of Tacoma) - Be behind in rent, but no more than 3 months behind. - Be responsible for 100% of the rent* - Household income must be at or below 80% or Area Median Income. *Those who live in subsidized housing or those who are receiving a housing voucher are ineligible.
Service area
Pierce, WA
Agency info
Pierce County Human Services - Community Action Programs
Administers a variety of social service programs which are intended to help reduce the impact of poverty in Pierce County as well as to assist and enable the economically disadvantaged. This goal is accomplished through child and family services, energy assistance, weatherization and housing services, and home repair services.