Veteran Employment Support offered at Boots to Shoes Foundation
Pairs trained volunteers from the business and professional communities with veterans to assist their career transition to civilian jobs. Mentors provide: - Insight into the language of civilian professions - Objective discussions of a veteran's career goals - Encouragement in developing a job search plan
Physical Address
3006 Northup Way, Bellevue, WA 98004
M-F, 7:30am-3:30pm.
Application process
Complete an online application. Veterans are then assigned to work one-on-one with a mentor in their career interest and in their region. Veterans and mentors meet twice per month, in person, phone, email, and Skype.
Post 9/11 veterans who are seeking assistance with job search and career transition.
Agency info
Boots to Shoes Foundation
Matches veterans with volunteers from the business community to provide mentoring in a civilian job search, objective discussion of career goals, encouragement in development of a job search plan and appreciation for a veterans service.