Back2School Bash offered by Rainier Beach Action Coalition at Be'er Sheva Park
Provides students and families with backpacks, school supplies and information about neighborhood and educational resources, food, clothing and entertainment. This event strengthens neighborhood support for education, providing services to families in need and generating involvement in neighborhood projects that improve quality of life.
Physical Address
8650 55th Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118
Sa, Aug. 24, 2024, 12 pm noon- 4pm.
Application process
Visit in person. Families will need to visit the resource tables before getting school supplies.
School-age children and their parent/guardian. Prioritizes families with children attending school in the Rainier Beach Community.
Agency info
Rainier Beach Action Coalition
Promotes the Rainier Beach neighborhood as a safe place where people thrive. Promotes quality education, living wage jobs, affordable transportation and housing for all. Builds the neighborhood capacity to enhance qualify of life, as well as to address issues threatening the welfare of Rainier Beach residents. Coordinates a yearly school supplies event.