Clothing Bank offered at Ellensburg Community Clothing Center
Operates a clothing bank for people who are in need and living in the city of Ellensburg. Clothing can be obtained once a month. Accepts clothing donations which can be taken anytime. Large blue donation box available in the alley behind the church, it is the most secure place for items to be left, and it's content is emptied and sorted three times weekly.
Physical Address
210 North Ruby Street, Ellensburg, WA 98926
Tu Sa, 9am-noon.
Application process
Visit location during open hours and provide photo ID for clothing. Donations can be made anytime at the large blue donation box available in the alley behind the church, it is the most secure place for items to be left, and it's content is emptied and sorted three times weekly.
No restrictions.
Service area
Kittitas, WA
Agency info
Ellensburg Community Clothing Center
Operates a clothing bank for people in need in the city of Ellensburg.