
Transportation - ADA Paratransit Skagit County offered at Skagit Transit

Skagit Transit's Paratransit service provides specialized transportation comparable with Skagit Transit's fixed-route bus service. It is a pre-scheduled service designed for people who are unable to get to the nearest bus stop or use a fixed-route bus.  Paratransit is for individuals whose conditions and/or disabilities prevent them from using Skagit Transit's regular fixed-route buses. Based on the review of an application for Paratransit service, you may receive curb to curb service, curb to fixed-route service or fixed route service only (with training).

Physical Address

600 County Shop Lane, Burlington, WA 98233


M-F, 6am-9pm Sa Su, 8am-6pm.

Application process



One ride, $2; Monthly Pass is $60. Youth ages 18 and younger, free.



Service area

Skagit, WA

Agency info

Skagit Transit

Skagit Transit provides transit service throughout most of Skagit County with fixed route bus transit and complementary ADA Paratransit.