Online Caregiver Training offered by CareLearn Washington
CareLearn Washington has been designed to provide caregivers free online learning opportunities. It serves as an additional resource for caregivers who need to earn continuing education credits. CareLearn increases access to training and can reduce the amount of time caregivers need to be away from the people they care for. The specific online caregiver trainings and DSHS Approved Continuing Education trainings are for unpaid caregivers or paid long-term care workers in Washington State who are working for an Adult Family Home, Assisted Living Facility, Enhanced Service Facility, Home Care Agency, DDA Residential Facility or Home not affiliated with SEIU.
Physical Address
Training platform access: 24 hours daily. Administrative support: M-F, 8am-5pm
Application process
Apply online and follow the directions listed on the page to submit an account creation request form.
None for all qualified users.
Unpaid caregivers who provide assistance to family members or friends. Paid Long-Term Care Workers in Washington State who are working for an Adult Family Home, Assisted Living Facility, Enhanced Service Facility, Home Care Agency, DDA Residential Facility or Home and are not affiliated with the SEIU.
Service area
Agency info
CareLearn Washington
CareLearn Washington has been designed to provide caregivers, affordable, quality, and accessible online learning opportunities. It serves as an additional resource for caregivers who need to earn continuing education credits. CareLearn increases access to training and can reduce the amount of time caregivers need to be away from the people they care for. The specific online caregiver trainings and DSHS approved Continuing Education trainings are for unpaid caregivers or paid long-term care workers in Washington State who are working for an Adult Family Home, Assisted Living Facility, Enhanced Service Facility, Home Care Agency, DDA Facility or DDA Home that is not affiliated with SEIU 775.