Damage Assessment Reporting offered at Grays Harbor County Emergency Management
During disaster situations, government agencies such as the Small Business Association and FEMA stand by to assist. There are many different programs which can support the affected homeowners, businesses and governments however, there are certain monetary thresholds which must be reached for damage to homes and businesses before they are authorized to provide aid. It is essential for **EVERYONE** who received damage from the flooding and/or the landslides to complete a preliminary damage report. When you fill out the report, you are assisting everyone affected by adding your damages to the total. Remember, the possibility of receiving assistance from government programs **CANNOT BE GUARANTEED**, however the more businesses and people who report, the closer we arrive to the threshold for assistance. Renters and homeowners can begin to report damages on the form at this link. http://www.co.grays-harbor.wa.us/departments/emergency_management/index.php * If you have trouble finding your parcel number or determining the % of market value on the damage reporting form, skip the area and send the report anyway. It is a first step toward meeting the thresholds we need to meet for the Small Business Administration and FEMA to assist. *
Physical Address
310 West Spruce Street, Montesano, WA 98563
M-F, 8am-4pm
Application process
Complete online form.
Grays Harbor residents affected by flooding or landslide.
Service area
Grays Harbor, WA
Agency info
Grays Harbor County Emergency Management
The Division of Emergency Management actively prepares for and participates in the following functions: Disaster Planning, Disaster/Emergency Response Planning, Disaster/Emergency Recovery Planning, Emergency Operations Center, Emergency Preparedness, Exercises for Disaster & Emergency Response, Hazardous Materials Response Planning, Public Education & Outreach, and Responder Training.