
Rent and Utility Assistance offered at St Vincent De Paul Camas Washougal

Offers limited rental and utility assistance, and gas vouchers for emergency transportation on a first come, first served basis. Other limited services may be arranged as needed. Volunteers make home visits to assess clients' needs. No services are available on site.

Physical Address

324 Northeast Oak Street, Camas, WA 98607


Calls accepted M-Th, 9am-3pm F, 9am-noon (voicemail messages are checked during this time).

Application process

Call for information; leave your name spelling included, phone number, and you will receive a call back within 2 business days.





Service area

Washougal, WA Camas, WA

Agency info

St Vincent De Paul Camas Washougal

Offers limited rental and utility assistance and gas vouchers for emergency transportation.