Catholic Community Services - Senior Meals offered at Catholic Community Services Meal Site Steilacoom Community Center
Provides lunch for seniors ages 60 and over. Serving time is noon. Reservations are requested.
Physical Address
2301 Worthington Street, Steilacoom, WA 98388
Meal Site: Tu W F, 9am-2pm Lunch: Tu W F, noon
Application process
Call to make a reservation.
$3.50 suggested donation for seniors. $6.00 program fee for those under 60.
Senior citizens, age 60 or older. Others younger than 60 years are welcome at a higher cost.
Service area
Pierce, WA
Agency info
Catholic Community Services - Congregate Meal Sites
Multi-service agency providing family crisis services; emergency transitional housing; in-home elderly/disabled services; pregnancy support; hot meals; anger management and parenting skills training; foster care for drug-affected infants, special needs children, and international children; counseling; child care; and volunteer coordination. Federal Funding for the Congregate Nutrition Services is provided through Title III funding. Meal Sites where CCS provides the meal, but the site is listed in an alternate record: - Beacon Senior Center: Listed with the City of Tacoma - Senior Services records. It is listed that CCS is providing the meals. - Buckley Senior Center: Buckley Senior Center has it's own record, meal information is listed there. Does state the CCS is providing the meals, and current prices. - Eatonville Senior Center: Listed with Eatonville Family Agency record. Does state the CCS is providing the meals, and current prices. - Sumner Senior Center: Listed with the record for Sumner Senior Center. Does state the CCS is providing the meals, and current prices. - University Place: Listed with the record for the UP Senior Center. Does state the CCS is providing the meals, and current prices.