
Mental Health and Addiction Services offered at Harborview Medical Center's Mental Health and Addiction Services

Provides integrated mental health and substance use services in an outpatient setting. Services include psychiatric diagnostic assessment and evaluation, medication management, brief therapy, group treatment, case management, peer support services, integrated medical services, supported employment, supportive housing, geriatric psychiatry services, dialectical behavioral therapy, and specialized treatment of early psychosis. Our dedicated staff includes board-certified psychiatrists, psychiatric residents, primary care providers, nurses, case managers, peer support specialists, master’s level therapists and substance use disorder professionals. In person and telehealth offered

Physical Address

401 Broadway, Seattle, WA 98122


M-F, 8am-5pm.

Application process

Call for more information or an appointment. Next-day appointments are available for MH services through Crisis Connections and SUD services through Recovery Helpline


Accepts insurance or private pay. Financial Assistance is available Accepted insurance includes WA Apple Health (Medicaid); Medicare, and other eligible commercial or managed care plans (with referral and authorization).


Medicaid - Adults 19+ Medicare - Adults 18 + Commercial Insurance - Adults based on contract Medicaid Eligible King County Residents are prioritized Severe and persistent behavioral health needs Some programs require new patients to be established with UW Medicine


Interpreter services

Service area

King, WA

Agency info

Harborview Medical Center's Mental Health and Addiction Services

Comprehensive community mental health clinic provides mental health and substance use disorder services to adults, including next-day appointments for mental health and SUD screening. Specialty programs exist for Geriatric Psychiatry Services, First Episode Psychosis, medication management and brief therapy for mental health diagnoses, Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Office Based Opioid Treatment (OBOT), Wraparound Mental Health Recovery Services for Medicaid recipients (includes supported employment, supportive housing, case management and peer support services), and intensive outpatient treatment for SUD.