RAD-PBV offered at Housing Authority of Grays Harbor County
Housing Choice Voucher Program - Project-Based Vouchers.
Physical Address
602 East 1st Street, Aberdeen, WA 98520
M Tu Th F, 8am-4:30pm
Application process
Everyone is welcome to apply when the waitlist is open. This is a preliminary application. Once the applicant moves up to the top of the list, we will mail a letter to address in their application. The applicant will be required to respond by a certain date and the eligibility evaluation will begin. Once approved, there will still be a wait time for the next available unit. There is no guarantee of how long or how soon the family will be housed. It all depends on the unit availability. Please visit www.housinggraysharbor.org for current announcements about the waitlist reopening/status. APPLICATIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE WHEN THE WAITLIST IS CLOSED.
Rent must be payed by check or money order.
Income and suitability based on tenant screening.
Agency info
Housing Authority of Grays Harbor County
Public Housing - Multi-Family Housing - Section 8 Voucher Program -