
Medicaid Transportation in Snohomish County offered by Hopelink Transportation

Arranges transportation for trips to WA Apple Health (Medicaid)-covered services such as doctor, dentist and mental health appointments.   Types of transportation include buses, taxis, mileage reimbursement and lift vehicles.   Reimbursement includes gas cards at $. 35 per mile. No ambulance service is provided. Does not cover prescription pick-up.

Physical Address

14812 Main Street, Bellevue, WA 98007


Reservations: M-F, 8am-5pm.

Application process

Call for reservations at least two business days in advance. Those who are able to use buses should call one week in advance. For King County, phone queue is occasionally full. If call does not go through, try back later. Best times to call are W-F and not between noon-1pm and not the day after a holiday. Service is open on holidays as well. Callers can also call slightly before 8am to be put into the queue, and they can call up to 14 days in advance of their appointment. Visit website to check the status of a ride, let Hopelink know your ride is late, cancel a trip or provide feedback. Must provide the following information during application: -  Provider One Identification Card Number -  Date of birth -  Current street address and mailing address -  Telephone number or a message number -  Current transportation resources -  Appointment date and time -  Doctor's name and phone number and name of office or clinic -  Special consideration or mobility needs


None.  Paid by WA Apple Health (Medicaid).


WA Apple Health (Medicaid) recipients living in King or Snohomish County who are in need of transportation assistance to Medicaid-covered appointments only.


Interpreter services



Service area

Snohomish, WA

Agency info

Hopelink Transportation

Hopelink Transportation includes three programs: DART Transit, Medicaid Transportation and Mobility Management. Hopelink also offers transportation services such as the Community Van, and Find a Ride. From critical trips to kidney dialysis and chemotherapy treatments for cancer patients, to daily trips to Children’s Hospital and for seniors who must have routine medical visits to avoid nursing homes, transportation can make the crucial difference between being homebound and isolated, or healthy and active.