Early Intervention Services offered at Birth to Three Developmental Center
Provides early intervention services to babies and toddlers living with developmental delays. Services include - Physical therapy - Occupational therapy - Speech/language therapy - Oral motor/feeding therapy - Special education - Family support - Education Services are on-site or in the community and include home or day care visits.
Physical Address
35535 6th Place Southwest, Federal Way, WA 98023
M-F, 8am-5pm.
Application process
Call to apply; most clients are referred through primary care physicians.
Accepts private insurance and WA Apple Health (Medicaid). No one will be turned away due to inability to pay.
Children, ages birth through 2 (will work with children until their 3rd birthdate) who are determined through staff evaluation to exhibit a 25 percent or greater delay in one or more areas of development.
Interpreter services
American Sign Language
Service area
Pierce, WA King, WA
Agency info
Birth to Three Developmental Center
Provides early intervention services to the families of any infants and toddlers who have developmental delays and disabilities. Focuses on serving those in South King and North Pierce counties.