Human Trafficking Advocacy offered at Support, Advocacy & Resource Center SARC
Provides a full range of services for survivors of sex trafficking. Services include: - Financial Resources: funds for immediate health and safety needs and assistance with relocation are available - Crisis Line: volunteers are available 24 hours daily to answer the phone but if back-up is need, the Executive Director, Clinical Director, Program Director, and Sexual Assault Advocate are available to assist - Access to Basic Needs: food pantries, drugstore gift cards (Target, Walmart, Albertsons), fast food gift cards, food vouchers, and more to make sure that client's needs are met - Medical Advocacy: explaining client rights regarding medical exam, providing support during exam, assisting with connecting survivor to aftercare such as pregnancy and/or STD concerns, helping survivor complete Crime Victims Compensation (CVC), follow up with CVC and advocate on client’s behalf, connect client to other medical resources as needed for client, such as dental care or past unhealed injuries - Assistance In Filing Police Report - Immediate shelter (hotel or shelter): contract with local hotel to pay for short term stay for immediate safety concerns - Cab Fare: contract with local cab company to transport clients as needed
Physical Address
1458 Fowler Street, Richland, WA 99352
24 hours daily.
Application process
Call for visit location for an appointment or visit website for more information.
No restrictions.
Service area
Benton, WA Franklin, WA
Agency info
Support, Advocacy & Resource Center (SARC)
Provides crisis services, support, and advocacy to victims of all non-domestic violence crimes, non-offending family members, and others who are impacted by crime.We strive to positively impact our community through prevention-based education. Supports the rights of sexual assault victims and works to see these rights upheld.