
Emergency Assistance offered by Federal Way Community Caregiving Network

Provides partial emergency rent assistance and limited (two per session) gasoline vouchers or bus tickets. Help can only be in one area: rent, gasoline voucher or bus tickets. Only a limited number of households can be helped. Help is on a first come first served basis. Offers information and referral to other community resources.

Physical Address

345 South 312th Street, Federal Way, WA 98003


Tu, 10am-noon.



Application process

Visit in person during intake. Please do not go in person or call to the church office, intake is in the lower hall of the Church through door next to small portable. For information and guidelines, visit website.




Must live within the following Zip Codes: 98003 or 98023 – Federal Way; 98001 – South of 272nd and West of 51st only – Auburn and 98422 – NE Tacoma. Client/household may be assisted once in a 24-month period. After the second time a client is assisted, they may not be assisted again for four years. Assistance is on a first come first served basis. Client/Household can only be helped in one of the 3 areas, rent, gasoline voucher or bus tickets. Rent Assistance: - Must be renting a separate private unit which includes cooking and bathroom facilities and be able to provide copy of lease or rental agreement; may not be able to help in all shared housing situations. - Client cannot be more than one month behind on rent and must be able to make future rent payments - Cannot help those living in transitional housing or clean and sober housing. Gas vouchers: - Must have valid driver's license - Must have proof of current, or if homeless, former Federal Way/NE Tacoma residency.

Service area

98422 98032 98023 98003 98001

Agency info

Federal Way Community Caregiving Network

Provides partial assistance with rent, limited gasoline vouchers for residents of Federal Way School District and NE Tacoma.  Also coordinates hot dinners two times weekly at two area churches; hygiene items, winter clothing and other supplies may be available at meals.