Emergency Services offered at St Vincent Center in Union Gap
Donates clothing every six months and a one-time houseware assistance (dishes, cook ware, utensils, etc.). Assistance is provided to those in crisis situations; exceptions may be made with other agency referrals. * No longer helps with furniture or any type of financial assistance, such as rental or utilities, as those funds have been depleted. Assists with the following: - Clothes and shoes - Kitchen basic necessities like: pots, pans, plates, cups, forks, spoons, etc. - Personal hygiene items when available - Blankets - Coats and all winter basic necessities like: gloves, beanies, coats, snow boots, etc. - Hands out gently used and new coats from KNDO'S Coats for Kid's campaign.
Physical Address
2629 Main Street, Union Gap, WA 98903
M-F, 9am-5pm Sa, 10am-4pm.
Application process
Visit in person.
Agency info
St Vincent Center
St. Vincent Centers is a non-profit organization that helps people with food, rent, clothing, house wares and various other emergency services needs at no cost to the clients. Our thrift store provides low-cost quality used furniture, household items and clothing.