Social Supportive Services offered at Saint Leo's Catholic Church
Provides supportive interventions in the forms of advocacy, referrals, in-kind support, and very limited financial aid to help stabilize individuals and families. Provides support in the areas of employment, home stability, personal identity document search/procurement and problem solving. In-Kind Includes all physical items distributed such as clothing, blankets and personal hygiene items. Household Support Provides limited financial assistance with utilities, screening fees for apartment searches and very limited rental assistance on a case-by-case basis. Employment Offers assistance related to getting or retaining employment. This includes work gear and clothing; licensing and certifications; and/or transportation assistance until the client can secure some income from employment and is more stable and able to address basic costs of living. Identification Documents Helps with the costs of procuring a WA State ID. Also helps with a WA Driver's License if the client has a vehicle that is insured, registered, and used for employment. Helps secure and pay for supportive documentation in order to get a state ID. May also help with immigration paperwork fees as needed, and in partnership with other immigration agencies. Physical Wellness Assists with medication co-pays, reasonable dental and optical fees. Overall program goal is to help clients achieve overall stability in the community and to reach achievable self sufficiency.
Physical Address
710 S 13th St, Tacoma, WA 98405
Tu-F, 9am-11:45am.
Application process
Call or stop by to schedule an appointment.
No cost to the client.
Open to neighborhood individuals and families in need.
Service area
Agency info
St. Leo's Parish
Provides daily mass at 12:10pm and a prayer vigil every Saturday at 5pm, and Sunday mass at 8am and 10:30am. Offers service specified assistance to those with a verifiable need, and also accepts donations for service specified items.