Primary Care offered by EvergreenHealth Medical Center in Redmond
Offers primary care services throughout North and East King County with a full range of services, including adult care and family care, and same-day appointments. Mobile digital mammography travels to the clinics throughout the week.
Physical Address
8980 161st Avenue Northeast, Redmond, WA 98052
M-Th, 7am-7pm F, 7am-6pm Sa, 8am-4pm.
Application process
Call to make an appointment.
Medicare, WA Apple Health (Medicaid) and private insurance are accepted. Charity Care also accepted.
No restrictions.
Service area
Snohomish, WA King, WA
Agency info
EvergreenHealth Medical Center
Provides inpatient and outpatient services as well as emergency care at two sites for residents of North and East King County. Operates a network of primary care clinics for area residents, including one specializing in geriatric care, as well as an urgent care center. Offers parenting and health-related classes and support groups, including smoking cessation classes, and operates a consulting nurse hotline. Provides comprehensive care to sexual assault victims in need of forensic evaluation and treatment.