Men's Enhanced Shelter offered at Seattle Indian Center's Inn at Roy Street
Provides an enhanced shelter and day center for men in need. Offers lunch, dinner, hygiene facility, computer access and more. Once day center is closed, building is only open to shelter clients. Opens increased capacity during severe weather.
Physical Address
157 Roy Street, Seattle, WA 98109
Drop-In Center: M-F, 9:30am-4pm. Extreme weather shelter: 24 hours daily when open.
Application process
Register at the day center, 624 South Dearborn Street, during the day for shelter access. After hours, visit shelter directly in person. Entry is based on space availability and not guaranteed.
Men ages 18 and older. - Service animals accepted. No pets. - Clients must be alcohol- and drug-free. - Accepts men convicted of a sex offense. - No drugs, alcohol or weapons allowed. Clients must be alcohol- and drug-free and may be subject to Breathalyzer tests. - Shelter is accessible to those with a wheelchair or other mobility device, but clients must be self-sufficient and able to transfer without assistance.
Agency info
Seattle Indian Center
Multiservice center provides advocacy and support services, a shelter for men, a day center with shower and laundry facilities, a food pantry and meal program, a secure mailing address, employment search services and GED preparation. Primarily serves American Indians, Alaska Natives and Hawaiian Natives.