
Overnight Shelter offered by Olympia Union Gospel Mission

Converted the Franklin Street Day Center to a sleeping area seven days a week. Doors open at 7:30pm for men and women. Well mannered and controlled pets welcome. Men sleep in one area, women in another area. Foam mats and sleeping bags provided. Only requirement is to be a good neighbor to fellow "campers." Lights out a 9pm, wakeup call is at 4:30am. May also provide limited financial assistance to those facing eviction or behind on their rent. May also provide gas vouchers.

Physical Address

413 Franklin Street Northeast, Olympia, WA 98501


Shelter opens daily, 7:30 pm. Office: M-F, 8am-4pm

Application process

Doors open at 7:30pm or call for more information.


No fees.


Open to men and women.

Service area

Thurston, WA

Agency info

Olympia Union Gospel Mission

Street Ministry: meals served 7 days a week, clothing, shower and laundry facility open 5 days a week, Life Skills and Bible study meetings, Church service on Sundays at 10am, limited financial assistance, Christian based crisis counseling. Overnight Shelter: The Mission's Day Center becomes an area where men and women can stay overnight. Doors open at 8pm. Lights out at 9pm. Wake up at 4:30am. Women sleep in one area, men in another. Health Care Resources: emergency dental and vision services are provided at no-fee for Thurston, county residents living at or below 200% of the Federal poverty level, under insured or having no financial means to pay for care. Note: Proof of residency (rental agreement, or utility bill) and income verification (pay stub, award letter, etc.) will be required. Rental assistance only if they are 2 months behind or have a vacate notice; utility have to have a shut off notice; gas vouchers, propane vounchers. Goal Oriented Residential Emergency Shelter: 30 day shelter in a residential setting for up to three single women wanting to escape homelessness and who are willing to work diligently on goals leading them away from the street. The 30 day stays may be extended for those working on their goals. Life Transformation: Residential drug and alcohol recovery programs lasting up to 2 years for men, women and women with children. VegOut - fresh fruit and vegetables delivered weekly during the summer months and bi-monthly during the winter months to children living in low income housing.