
Utility Assistance offered at Benton Franklin Community Action Connections in Prosser

Offers utility assistance for low-income households, whose annual income is at or below 125% poverty levels. - Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program: provides seasonal financial assistance to income-eligible households for heating and energy bills; including electricity, gas, oil, propane, and firewood. - Electric Shut-Off Prevention Helping Hands: Provides emergency assistance for electric bills with a shut-off notice.

Physical Address

424 6th Street, Prosser, WA 99350


M-W F, 8-11:30am, 1-4pm.

Application process

For the LIHEAP program, you must submit a successfully entered registry online. For Eviction Prevention Helping Hands: you must call to apply.




- LIHEAP: To be eligible, the family must first meet the federal income poverty guidelines of 125% or below. Benefit amount will be based on family size, income, and usage history. Services are available to households on a first come, first service basis. - Helping Hands: Eligibility is based on household income and family size and must have a shut-off notice. Call or visit website for more information.

Service area

Benton, WA

Agency info

Benton Franklin Community Action Connections

The mission of Benton Franklin Community Action Committee doing business as Community Action Connections (CAC) is to empower families and individuals to improve their quality of life through the promotion of greater self-sufficiency. Provides pathways out of poverty, achieved through programs currently available and the continuous development of innovative projects and programs for the future. Services include, but are not limited to: rent and eviction prevention services, supportive and emergency housing, childcare support services, low-income energy assistance, weatherization, and minor home repair.