
Access Transportation at Ride Requests offered by King County Metro Transit at Accessible Services

Riders who have been found eligible can call to request Access rides from one to seven days in advance. Can call after hours for "where's my ride" information. Riders can request trips no more than seven days in advance of the service. Expect trips to take as long as a bus ride. Also expect to get picked up a little earlier or later so other rider’s trips can be added to the route. Use Access to go anywhere within the same area that the bus or light rail goes. Some inter county transportation is available.


201 South Jackson Street, Seattle, WA 98104


Ride Requests: Daily, 8am-5pm.

Application process

For those certified for Access services, call to request a ride from one to seven days in advance.   Can call after hours for "where's my ride" information. Call to get this information in an accessible format. Information online is translated into Amharic, Chinese, Korean, Punjabi, Russian, Somali, Spanish, Ukrainian and Vietnamese.


King County residents ages 6 and older who have a disability that prevents independent navigation of lift equipped regular public transit bus services. If an individual is determined conditionally eligible for Access, those conditions will be considered when any ride request submitted for Access is evaluated. Applicants may need to use regular public transit if the conditions do not prevent the individual from taking the trip on the regular bus.


Rides are $1. 75 each way or $63 for a monthly Access pass.


Interpreter services

Agency info

King County Metro Transit's Accessible Services

Provides low-floor ramp-equipped or lift-equipped regular bus and rail service, plus Access Transportation van services for qualifying individuals with disabilities who can't ride the accessible regular public transit system. Free transit instruction available for seniors and people with disabilities who wish to learn how to use the accessible regular public transit system. Discount Taxi Scrip program for low-income adults with disabilities and/or low-income seniors who live in King County and obtain a current ORCA Regional Reduced Fare Permit.