
Utility Rate Reduction offered at City of Marysville

The city offers a utility rate relief program. The discount is available to qualified low-income senior customers and disabled citizens who receive water, sanitary sewer, garbage pickup, and are billed for surface water from the City for their home, apartment, duplex, or mobile home. The home must be occupied by the person claiming eligibility for the discount and the principal place of residence. The occupant must be head of the household.

Physical Address

1049 State Avenue, Marysville, WA 98270


M-F, 8am-4:30pm.

Application process





Low-income senior citizen. At least 62 years of age; and Total household income of $45,300 dollars or less. Low-income disabled: Total household income is at or below the HUD Guidelines and claimant: Qualifies for special parking as defined by RCW 46.16.381; or Is blind as defined by RCW 74.18.020; or Is disabled, handicapped, or incapacitated as defined by any other existing state or federal program.

Service area

Snohomish, WA

Agency info

City of Marysville

City of Marysville, Washington.