Employment Services offered at Tacoma Community House
Offers free employment services for adults (18 and older) who want to improve their skillset, build self-confidence, and find a job that aligns with their financial and career goals. Maintains connections with dozens of employers who are looking to hire people just like you! Employment Services • Work readiness training, including resumé building and interview practice • Specialized training leading to industry-recognized credentials • Job search and placement assistance • Resource navigation and connection • Follow-up with you and your employer once you are hired • Gain experience and training • Access basic needs (transportation, child care, housing, clothing) • Increase English proficiency
Physical Address
1314 South L Street, Tacoma, WA 98405
M-F, 8am-5pm
Application process
Call for an appointment.
No cost.
Who qualifies for employment services? • Pierce County adults, 18 years and older. • Unemployed or underemployed • Low-income • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) recipients • Basic Food (SNAP) recipients • Anyone authorized to work in U.S., including refugees. Eligibility varies by program, contact TCH to learn which services may work for you.
Interpreter services
Service area
Pierce, WA
Agency info
Tacoma Community House
TCH is a vital and valuable resource for immigrants, refugees, and other community members seeking self-sufficiency, enrichment and pathways to become contributing community members. The education department offers a range of successful literacy and language programs at TCH, including English Language Acquisition (ELA), Basic Education for Adult (BEdA: reading, writing and math), computer classes, Read2Me (1st-3rd grade reading/tutoring), GED preparation, youth education and support services. Employment services help job seekers successfully enter the workforce, offering employment assistance and job training. Currently TCH offers job preparation and job placement services, access to educational and career related technologies and internships. Immigration services are Board Immigration Appeals accredited and provide high quality case management to all individuals seeking immigration assistance from U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Services include naturalization preparation and education, legal permanent residency renewals, work authorization and many others. TCH provides comprehensive services for victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, human trafficking and other crimes. Advocates assist individuals to develop safety plans and identify their immediate goals. TCH is also active in advocating for social justice.