Homeless Young Adult Services offered by YouthCare's South Seattle Shelter
Operates a homeless youth engagement center in South Seattle with both day and night services. Offers: - Warm meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner (do not have to be shelter resident for meals) - Hygiene supplies including lockers, showers, laundry, and clothing - Day shelter beds - Case managers who work with young people to reduce barriers and set goals for long-term housing - Onsite mental health counseling - Overnight shelter - Youth cooling center during heat advisories.
Physical Address
9416 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118
Shelter: 24 hours daily. Breakfast: M-F, 9-10am Lunch: M-F, 1-2pm Dinner: M-F, 6-7pm. Drop-in: M-F, 8am-8pm.
Application process
Call the referral line to set up an appointment for an intake screening. Emergency guests need to call in after 7:30pm to reserve a bed once they have been screened and have done intake paperwork.
Youth ages 18-24.
Service area
King, WA
Agency info
Provides supportive services for young people experiencing homelessness our housing instability (ages 12-24): basic services (showers, lockers, laundry, meals, etc.), emergency shelter, housing, education and employment training, access to medical care, chemical dependency and mental health care, housing assessments, legal aid, case management, and more.