
Care Coordination offered by Public Health - Seattle & King County's Children with Special Health Care Needs Program

Public health nurses provide families with care coordination services through home or community visits or on the telephone. Services include: -  Screenings and assessment of child -  Help with child's changing needs -  Help with concerns such as feeding, nutrition, growth, development, and behavior -  Referrals to local community resources and organizations -  Help locating financial assistance to pay for child's health care -  Coordination with child's health care and other service providers -  Help with transition services, such as school, hospitals, clinic -  Providing information about child's condition -  Help developing and maintaining a network of services and providers  Connects parents who have children on Medicaid who have a diagnosis that causes them to be incontinent with free diapers covered by Medicaid.


401 5th Avenue, Seattle, WA 98104


M-F, 8am-5pm.

Application process

Call for more information.


Families with a child ages birth to 18 that has complex health needs or has a newly diagnosed complex medical condition and the family needs help: - Finding or coordinating medical providers & a medical home - Accessing local resources and/or services for the child - Finding financial assistance for the child's health related needs - Understanding and/or coping with the child’s health condition




Interpreter services

Agency info

Public Health - Seattle & King County's Children with Special Health Care Needs

Provides linkage and coordination of services to all children with special needs with limited direct medical services, equipment and supplies to those families that meet financial and other program eligibility requirements