Energy Assistance offered at Opportunity Council Island County Site
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program: financial assistance for heating source; all of Island County - household income cannot exceed 125% of Federal Poverty Level. PSE HELP Program: residents of Whidbey Island only - household income not to exceed 150% of FPL. Salvation Army Warm Home Vouchers: must have a shut off notice to qualify; 150% of FPL.
Physical Address
1791 Northeast 1st Avenue, Oak Harbor, WA 98277
M-Th, 8:30am-4:30pm F, 8:30am-noon.
Application process
LIHEAP - For all Island County residents below or at 125% of poverty guidelines set up by the federal government. PSE - for Whidbey Island residents only 150% of federal poverty guidelines. Salvation Army Warm Home Vouchers 150% of FPL; must have a shut off/urgent notice.
Service area
Island, WA
Agency info
Opportunity Council - Island County
A non-profit community action agency offering assistance to low-income and homeless in Island County, WA. Provides the following services: emergency shelter; transitional housing and case management; rental assistance; security deposit; eviction prevention; energy assistance; home weatherization and repair; conservation education; Basic Food Outreach; back to school back pack program; Basic Food Employment Training (BFET).