Men's Shelter offered at Rescue Mission - Downtown Tacoma Campus
Provides 80 beds in a dorm area. 36 cots in the day room and 10 available spots for veterans. As well as accommodating eighty men at night, the facility accommodates day sleepers who work night shifts. Extended stay is possible for men who have jobs and who are trying to become self-sufficient. Men are guaranteed a spot for 30 days if they have not stayed with the Rescue Mission in the past 90 days. The Good Neighbor Cafe is on site and offers free breakfast, lunch and supper. Other services at the Downtown Tacoma Campus include: - free showers and hygiene items (Men only), - free laundry facilities (Men only), - mail service, - and a free clothing room open Monday, Wednesday and Friday, from 1pm-4pm.
Physical Address
425 South Tacoma Way, Tacoma, WA 98402
Sign in: 3:30pm. Office: M-Th, 8am-4:30pm F, 8am-2:30pm
Application process
Drop-in to receive services. Shelter opens at 3:30pm, and people need to be there between 3:30pm and 6pm to reserve a bed.
Must be at least 18 years of age and be homeless. Photo ID is requested and highly preferred, but in some cases can be obtained while staying at the shelter.
Service area
Pierce, WA
Agency info
Rescue Mission
Provides emergency services such as food and shelter to homeless and low-income people. Offers programs to help lift people from poverty, break addictions, and promote self-sufficiency. Programs include: - single men's shelter, - single women's shelter, - family shelter, - transitional housing for homeless families, - affordable apartments for previously homeless single individuals with physical or mental disabilities, - free meals three times daily, - adult basic education, and - faith-based addiction recovery program for men and women.