
Outreach Guidance offered at iMPACT! Compassion Center

Offers life guidance support for anyone needing help with specific needs or situations. Each person has the opportunity to sit down with staff and discuss their circumstance, talk about barriers/goals, receive problem-solving support, learn about agency programs that may further assist them, and connect with local/regional resources specific to their needs or situation. Examples include, but not limited to: housing/eviction/rental assistance information, homelessness, unemployment, utility resources, food banks, benevolence/financial assistance, child care, transportation help, health/medical, mental health, addictions, and navigating community resources. Provides hands-on tools and guidance, assists with applying for programs, and connect people with area/regional resources. Each person is able to meet for 15-30 minute guidance sessions on a first come, first serve basis.


220 West Kennewick Avenue, Kennewick, WA 99336


Tu Th, 1-3pm. Phone: M-F, 9-noon, 1-5pm.

Application process

Visit during hours of operation.


Anyone in need.





Agency info

iMPACT! Compassion Center

Provides a starting place for life transformation and new hope by providing programs, services, and resources that help individuals and families overcome life struggles. Clients learn fundamentals life skills and receive case management services for housing/homelessness and employment. Offers comprehensive care coordination, helping individuals and families gain tools and life guidance. Provides individual, couple, and family counseling. Offer educational opportunities through workshops/support groups ad activities to promote self-sufficiency and strength. Also provides essential household food, hygiene, cleaning, and baby supplies; as well as homeless care kits.