
Legislative Hotline offered by Legislative Information Center

Operates a line where district constituents can submit opinions about specific issues or bills to their district legislators. Callers should be ready to give their name, address, telephone number and opinion.   The hotline also provides information on the status of bills and will mail copies of bills upon request (a limited number of pages are free, then there is a cost associated with requests). Sessions are 60 days in even numbered years; 105 days in odd numbered years.

Physical Address


Legislature in session: M-F, 8am-7pm. Legislature not in session: M-F, 8am-noon and 1-4:30pm.

Application process

Call.   Staff will also provide callers with contact information for their representative's office if they do not wish to have an email sent on their behalf.




No restrictions.


American Sign Language

Interpreter services

Large-print materials

Service area


Agency info

Legislative Information Center

Provides information about the Legislature and the legislative process to the citizens of Washington State and the members and staff of the Legislature. Provides a service where callers may register their opinions about specific issues or bills. Opinions are electronically sent to legislators.