
Employment Services offered by TRAC Associates in Seattle

Matches employers to job seekers by providing employment services.   Services include job readiness workshops, job skills trainings, job placement services and job retention services.   Offers these services through direct referral and coordination of city, county, state and federal programs.   Also offers employer services, including screening of potential applicants, supervisory training and outplacement services.   Programs include the following employment services. Not all services offered at all locations:   Community Jobs Initiative (CJI)   Offers paid (minimum wage) internships to job seekers looking to build skills for employment.   Participants must currently receive TANF cash assistance of DSHS - Community Services Office.   This program is implemented through extensive partnerships among state agencies (including DSHS, Employment Security, and the Board of Community and Technical Colleges).    Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Placement Services (DVR).   Provides vocational assessment, internship development, and monitoring and job placement services for adults with disabilities who are referred by DSHS - DVR counselors. Limited English Pathway Placement Services   Offers job readiness workshops, job placement services, skills trainings, and job retention and county wage progression services as well as English language class referrals for King and Snohomish adults with limited English. Participants must be at least 18 years old and either a refugee with documentation or currently receive TANF cash assistance from DSHS - Community Services Offices.   This is a program of DSHS and the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (ORIA).    Veterans Administration Placement Services Employment and training assessment, job placement and job retention services for service connected disabled veterans referred by the Veterans Administration. Contact Harriet Klein (206) 443-9999 for more information.    Workers Compensation Services  Provides vocational assessment, vocational plan development, and monitoring of vocational training programs for injured workers referred by Washington State Labor and Industries Department, including the Office of Workers Compensation Programs.     Workforce Investment Act (WIA) Adult Services/Dislocated Worker Services. Provides job readiness workshops, job placement services, vocational training, and job retention services for adults.


1511 3rd Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101


M-F, 8am-5pm.

Application process



Eligibility varies for different programs.   Programs may serve low-income adults, people with disabilities, veterans, refugees or DSHS clients.


Fees vary by program.   Some programs do not charge fees.




Interpreter services





Agency info

TRAC Associates

Matches employers to job seekers through recruitment and placement service, applicant screening, job readiness and vocation training, job retention, and career advancement and outplacement. Services are available through direct referral and coordination of several city, county, state and federal programs.