Adult Mental Health Services offered by Consejo Counseling & Referral Service in Bellevue
Provides culturally appropriate counseling and therapy for adults with mental health needs. Services for enrolled clients include: - Mental heath screenings and assessments, - Individual, group and family therapy, - Case management and peer services, - Psychiatric evaluations, - Medication management, and - Trauma informed Care
Physical Address
13343 Bel-Red Road, Bellevue, WA 98005
M-F, 8am-5pm. Service hours vary.
Application process
Call for a screening.
Fees vary by service. Accepts Medicaid and grant based services
Provides services to individuals diagnosed with a mental health condition. Provides services in English and Spanish.
Service area
King, WA
Agency info
Consejo Counseling & Referral Service
Provides culturally relevant behavioral health outpatient services including assessments and treatment services to adults, children and adolescents. The services include individual therapy, family therapy, group therapy, case management, peer support services, psychiatric assessment and medication management. as well as substance abuse outpatient treatment services, co-occurring services, deferred prosecution and substance use disorder alcohol and drug information school services. Additional services include sexual assault therapy, domestic violence advocacy services and trauma informed care therapy services.