
Youth Employment Programs offered at Powerful Voices

Offers three employment programs which develop employable skills such as public speaking, time management, organization, teamwork, and resumes.  Active Vistas: The Active Vistas Program meets from February-April. A cohort of 12-14 girls will meet weekly for 12 weeks, 2 days/week, 3. 5 hours/session.  Through this project, participants will gain exposure to social justice issues affecting girls and women.  They will engage in anti-oppression training's and learn how to use that knowledge to create change.  Youth will choose a topic related to girls' safety and health, organize and develop a workshop to be presented at the Powerful Voices youth-led Girlvolution Conference.  During the workshop development process, the girls will develop pre-employment skills in professional work place behavior, time management, teamwork, communication, project development, public speaking, organization, community organizing and facilitation.  Girls will also generate resumes and work with a group of mentors on Thursdays throughout the program.  At the end of the program, the agency will host a community celebration to highlight and acknowledge the girls' work and achievements. Youth will earn a stipend of up to $600. 00.   Develop your Voice and Speak (DYVAS): The Develop Your Voice and Speak (DYVAS) Program will meet for 8 weeks, July- August. A cohort of 12-14 girls will meet weekly for 8 weeks, 2 days/week, 5 hours/session.  Through this project, youth will work together to create their own media as a form of activism in print and an online zine (an alternative source of media).  Individually, and as a team, girls will produce written and artistic pieces that relate to weekly themes such as identity, sexism, racism and how women are portrayed in the media.  The team will create and decide on the name, format, look and layout of the zine, and will choose where they want to distribute it in the community.  Through this process, youth will develop pre-employment skills in professional work place behavior, time management, teamwork, communication, magazine piece drafting and development, public speaking, organization, etc.  Girls will also generate resumes, participate in mock interviews and experience a career panel of community professionals.  Youth will earn a stipend of up to $550. 00.   Job Readiness Program: The Job Readiness Program will meet for 6 weeks, October-November. A cohort of 12-14 girls will meet weekly for 6 weeks, two 2 days/week, 2. 5 hours/session.  Through this project, youth will focus on building job readiness skills and investigating career aspirations.  Each youth will increase their skills to find, obtain, and keep a job.  Participants will work within a group to engage in team building, goal setting, and a series of job readiness workshops such as resume writing, mock interviews, and financial literacy. Youth will earn a stipend of up to $550. 00. At the end of the program, the Agency will host a community celebration to highlight and acknowledge the girls' work and achievements.


1544 South Snoqualmie Street, Seattle, WA 98108


M-Th, 9am-5pm.

Application process

Youth are referred to us through the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative through self referrals, family, friends, school staff, outreach workers, counselors, probation officers, and community organizations.  If a youth is not enrolled in SYVPI please check eligibility and contact the appropriate SYVPI Intake and Referral Specialist for that youths neighborhood network (choose depending on where they live or go to school) to inquire about enrollment.  If a youth is already enrolled in SYVPI and you want to refer them to a specific Powerful Voices program, please contact the Powerful Voices Employment Coordinator. Referral acceptance depends on eligibility and available openings.  Documents required: -  Valid photo ID -  Social security card or a permanent resident card


Must be enrolled in the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative (SYVPI).  Identify as female and be between the ages 14-18. Must live or attend school in the city of Seattle. Committed to completing the program and attending weekly sessions. Aware of and willing to work in the Central District.


None. All Employment Programs are free and offer stipends for youth to participate as well as bus tokens and food.

Agency info

Powerful Voices

Invites girls to realize their dreams, engage their communities, and shape a more just world. Works with girls so that they can achieve physical and emotional health needed for social well-being.   Girls learn to choose freedom from physical, psychological, and sexual harm.   Personal safety and health are the critical foundation upon which we build healthy relationships and safe communities. We embrace the existence of many ideologies, racial or ethnic classifications, cultures, gender identities, generations, socio-economic classes, sexual orientations, nationalities, abilities and life experiences.  Powerful Voices respects and appreciates the diversity of the girls we serve, and amongst Board, staff and supporters.  Intentional inclusion of many voices leads to creative solutions for issues impacting girls and our community.  JUSTICE:  We believe in a more just society and work to promote equity. We work toward making equitable gains in health, economic, educational and legal systems.  Recognizing that disparity exists among girls, we serve girls with the highest needs and those with limited access to opportunity.  INNOVATION:  We believe innovation enables us to fulfill our mission. We employ creativity and critical thought to develop new solutions and approaches.  Our innovation honors proven practices while leveraging opportunities.  INTEGRITY:  We believe in acting with integrity. We are ethical, fair, honest, authentic and accountable.  Integrity is fundamental to leadership, governance, operations and programming.   WE LEAD PROGRAMS THAT BUILD GIRLS’ STRENGTHS AND RESPOND TO THEIR NEEDS.  Through school- and community-based groups, girls will gain skills to develop healthy relationships, increase 21st century skills that lead to economic security, develop respect for self and others through the exploration of identity and develop leadership through activism and service.  YOUTH EMPLOYMENT Girls will participate in group-based training focused on employable skills such as public speaking, project management, teamwork and communication.  Projects will culminate in girl-led social justice projects such as workshops at Powerful Voices’ Girlvolution Conference and the production of a print and online Zine.  CASE MANAGEMENT Girls affected by violence will be matched one-to-one with a Case Manager who supports them in setting and achieving goals in academics, employment and basic needs, while also developing skills such as communication, goal setting, time management, accountability, and self-advocacy.  COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT Powerful Voices will partner with others to advance social justice through workshops for girls in detention, 1:1 mentoring (Adult Ally program), training other providers to use our curriculum (Girl Justice), and girl-led conference on social justice issues (Girlvolution).  Powerful Voices will also be an active member of community coalitions such as the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative and King County Juvenile Detention Oversight Committee.