
Community Outreach offered at Saint Francis Cabrini Church St. Vincent de Paul

Provides help with rent or utilities (approximately $200) if funding allows, and limited assistance with clothing and furniture. Serves their parish boundaries within zip codes 98499, 98439 and JBLM. Assistance is provided once a year. Must have disconnect notice, or a pay or vacate notice for financial assistance.

Physical Address

5715 108th Street Southwest, Tacoma, WA 98499


M, 9am until out of funding for the day.

Application process

Call the assistance line and leave a message on Monday. Volunteers from St. Vincent de Paul will return the messages.   Spanish speakers may call (253) 655-7835 to leave a message.


No cost.


Must live within specified parish boundaries.   Need a pay-or-vacate notice or a disconnect notice for financial assistance.



Service area

98439 98438 98499

Agency info

Saint Francis Cabrini Church

Provides assistance with rent, utilities, clothing and furniture for the following zip codes: 98439 and 98499. Also serves JBLM. Callers leave a message on the assistance line and a volunteer will return the call as soon as possible.