DUI Victim / Victim's Impact Panel offered at Okanogan County Community Coalition
Educates offender and the community about the tragedies that are caused by drunk drivers. Panel presentation is done by victims / survivors of DUI Crash.
Physical Address
113 North Main Street, Omak, WA 98841
Visit website for locations, dates, and times.
Application process
Must arrive at location by 5:30pm for registration; panel begins at 6pm.
Cost for court-order: $50 cash or money order per case number. Free for non-court order attendees.
Those who have been ordered to attend, as well as anyone who wishes to observe.
Service area
Okanogan, WA Chelan, WA Grant, WA Douglas, WA Lincoln, WA
Agency info
Okanogan County Community Coalition
Youth drug, alcohol, and violence prevention and promoting healthy families and communities.