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Offers mental health counseling and case management; assistance with immigration status adjustment (green cards/citizenship) and family reunification; senior programs with hot meals and activities; parenting education and family support.


General Counseling Services
Comprehensive Immigration/Naturalization Services
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Parenting Skills Classes
Case/Care Management
Home Delivered Meals
Provides home delivered meals to homebound seniors as well as group meals at dining centers.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Home Delivered Meals
Provides hot lunches for adults ages 60 and older; educational support and entertainment included.
Provides nutritious meals to senior citizens, ages 60 and older, who have difficulty leaving their home unassisted and who are unable to prepare their own meals.
Offering utrition programs to seniors 60+, including: Diner's Choice (coupons for meals at participating restaurants) and Meals on Wheels
Offers a mobile food market for Clallam County Residents.
Nutritious, well-balanced meals delivered to your home by friendly volunteers.
Provides congregate hot meal program to adults ages 50 and older. Serves delicious, balanced meals in welcoming group settings. Meals are prepared by Community Center cook staff.
Offers low cost meals at sites in Taholah and Queets and meal delivery service to homebound members of the community.


Home Delivered Meals
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Serves a senior hot lunch and nutrition program.
Nutritious, well-balanced meals delivered to your home by friendly volunteers.
Provides weekday nutritional lunches and other activities involving nutrition counseling and health care for Native American seniors ages 55 and older. Delivers food as well.
Provides a hot meal for Enumclaw residents. Deliveries available upon request.
Delivers hot, nutritious meals to homebound seniors 60+ yrs of age, spouses, and/or disabled dependents.
Serves a congregate lunch to adults ages 50 and older.


Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Home Delivered Meals
Delivers meals to the homes of homebound elderly and disabled persons throughout the greater Spokane Valley area during the work week. Frozen meals are provided for the weekends and liquid nutrition is also available.
Provides balanced nutritional meals and social contact for elderly and homebound individuals having a difficult time getting a balanced meal. Also provides farmers market vouchers for qualified low-income seniors.
Provides home delivered meals for those that are homebound and under age 60.
Offers a hot lunch for adults ages 60 and older. Provides low-cost pet food to low-income older adults. Deliveries upon request.
Delivers nutritious meals to home-bound seniors (60 years of age or older). Frozen meals delivered in the rural areas and on weekends.
Meals on Wheels provides hot, nutritious meals to elderly individuals living within the Spokane City limits who are homebound, unable to provide or prepare nutritious meals.
Offers many activities for older adults, including exercise, day trips, computer classes, social events, potlucks, a cafe and more.


Senior Centers
Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites
Field Trips/Excursions
Podiatry/Foot Care
Physical Fitness
Home Delivered Meals
Home delivered hot or frozen meals for homebound senior citizens or disabled.
Provides home delivered meals to seniors 60 and older in Grant County who are homebound.
Provides home delivered meals for those that are homebound and under age 60.