Focus Population
Age Group
Days Of The Week
Payment Options
1-25 of 102
Provides shelter and housing for veterans and their families.
Provides interim shelter for single male Veterans. Each Veteran has a single sleeping bay and shared living common areas. Staff provide advocacy, referrals, outreach, medical and mental health connections, and a supportive environment.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Coordinated Entry at the Housing Resource Center offers centralized intake, assessment, and coordination. The Housing Resource Center is the coordinated entry point for most housing services except the Night-By-Night shelter.
Coordinated Entry at the Housing Resource Center is a centralized intake, assessment and coordination point which determines appropriate level of assistance to stabilize housing and assist self-sufficiency. HRC tools include: rent assistance, security and utility deposits, background screening fees and other direct housing costs; referrals to site-based housing, housing voucher and other programs; linkages to life skills, financial literacy, and/or employability training and career-building services; plus referrals to partner entities.
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Shelters
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Utility Deposit Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Provides information, programs and resources that work directly with the community to offer support, therapy, education, and encouragement.
Provides over two dozen programs that support and empower people in our community. We help people build skills for loving relationships and healthy lives by: Providing a safety net for children at risk of abuse and neglect and for victims of crime; Leadership opportunities and economic development in our communities; Parenting support and education; Health and wellness education and advocacy; Mentoring, education, and treatment for high-risk youth and families.
Ethnic Advocacy Groups
Adolescent/Youth Counseling
Medical Information Services
Community Involvement Programs
Outreach Programs
Youth Enrichment Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides a long-term shelter with various programs including case management, job development, supplemental addiction, and work training/work experience. Additional programs may be available depending on needs.
Provides a long-term shelter with various programs including case management, job development, supplemental addiction, and work training/work experience. Additional programs may be available depending on needs.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Homeless Employment Programs
Provides a safe shelter, support, and resources to empower survivors of domestic violence.
Provides emergency shelter, transitional housing, crisis 24-hour domestic hotline, legal advocacy, women's support groups, advocacy-based counseling, children's programs, and housing services for victims of domestic violence and their children.
Individual Advocacy
Housing Search Assistance
Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Counseling
Domestic Violence Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Domestic/Family Violence Legal Services
Domestic Violence Support Groups
Crime Victim/Witness Counseling
Domestic Violence Protective/Restraining Orders
Cell Phone Donation Programs
Offers aid to prevent or end homelessness as determined to fit the needs of the applicant.
A broad continuum of housing programs through the housing resource center which provide rental assistance and counseling to at-risk or homeless families seeking permanent, stable housing.
Home Rental Listings
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Low Income/Subsidized Private Rental Housing
Rent Payment Assistance
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Homelessness Prevention Programs
Gift Card Donation Programs
Mortgage Payment Assistance
Education Volunteer Opportunities
Rental Deposit Assistance
Provides rental assistance and case management services for eligible homeless families for up to two years.
Provides rental assistance and case management services for eligible homeless families for up to two years.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Reintegration Services (CRS) assist veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in developing and maintaining the skills necessary to succeed in community living.
Community Reintegration Services (CRS) assist veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness in developing and maintaining the skills necessary to succeed in community living. Services include:
- Vocational Services where veterans can access job search assistance, job coaching, educational guidance, and vocational skill-building resources.
- Community Shelter and Housing works with community providers to help homeless veterans find local shelters.
- Outreach to homeless veterans.
- Case Managed Housing maintains 160+ veterans in case-managed housing.
Street Outreach Programs
Veteran Reintegration Counseling
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Intensive support services and shelter for families with children. Limited availability for singles or households without children.
Provides support services and shelter primarily for families with children. Six emergency shelter sites available in Island County (short-term housing 30-60 days) and several transitional housing opportunities (6 month initial enrollment period).
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Shelters
Provides shared housing services to single men and single women. Includes supports like Case Management, Brief Counseling, Employment Coaching and more. Housing offers single and shared rooms, and amenities like paid utilities and on-site washer/dryer.
Provides shared housing services to single men and single women.
Services offered to residents can include:
- In-house Case Management services
- Community Referrals
- Brief Counseling services
- Employment Coaching
- Educational Coaching and Support
- Life Skills
- Career Coaching and
- Financial Budgeting Coaching.
Homes are fully furnished and include amenities like a washer and dryer, TV/Cable, Internet, and paid Utilities.
When accepted and moving into the house, residents will also receive new blankets, sheets, pillows and a hygiene starter kit.
Sober Living Homes
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides Christian-oriented home for men leaving street life; requires 9-12 month commitment. NO REFERRAL NECESSARY.
Offers Christian ministry and mentoring for men who are recovering from substance use disorder or addiction, those formerly involved in gangs or in the sex industry, as well as others involved in street life.
Provides family style, single-sex group home setting for men in need of housing.
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Operates Kitsap County's single entry point for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, or at-risk of becoming homeless. Arranges the initial intake, screening, and placement for emergency housing and shelter programs.
Operates the coordinated entry program for Kitsap County. This program is the single entry point for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, or at risk of becoming homeless. The Housing Solutions Center manages the intake, eligibility pre-screening, and shelter placement for community housing partners. HSC can also provide referrals to mental health providers, drug and alcohol treatment centers, and domestic violence shelter and services. Clients must visit site or make an appointment to apply in person. Housing Solutions Center coordinates the intake for: - Catholic Community Services - Benedict House - St. Vincent de Paul Women's Shelter - Coffee Oasis - , KCR Emergency Shelter and Supportive Housing - North Kitsap Fishline - Safe Park - Kitsap Rescue Mission - Georgia's House Women's Shelter- Kitsap Rescue Mission
Homeless Safe Parking Programs
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Community Shelters
Provides transitional housing with case management for homeless male veterans; one year maximum stay. Veterans Administration AGENCY REFERRAL REQUIRED.
Provides transitional housing for Veterans 18 and older, self-identifying as male who are experiencing homelessness.
Living area is dormitory style in a separate space that is climate controlled.
Program provides 3 meals/day, shower and laundry.
Program is low-barrier/low demand, but does provide intensive, wrap-around case management. Maximum stay of 2 years.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides transitional housing for homeless youth 18-24 yrs, looking to better their lives by receiving life skills, personal development, completing their high school diploma, or finding employment.
Provides transitional housing for homeless youth 18-24 yrs, looking to better their lives by receiving life skills, personal development, completing their high school diploma, or finding employment. Youth ages 18-24 who are in the process of completing high school are given priority on the housing and homeless services. In addition to transitional housing, ANSIL's Young Adult Program provides assistance and counseling in life skills, training classes, counseling for housing/employment/education, access to ANSIL's clothing bank, mentorship, our computer lab, and mentorship.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers a limited transitional housing program that helps homeless families achieve self-sufficiency as well as a limited rental assistance program.
Coastal Community Action Program offers a limited transitional housing program that assist homeless families achieve self-sufficiency and a limited rental assistance program.
Housing Search Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rent Payment Assistance
Provides transitional housing for single women and women with children who have fled domestic violence and are no longer in danger due to DV.
Provides transitional housing for women with children who have fled domestic violence and are no longer being pursued by an abuser. Residents receive daily support from their care team (mentor, program manager, life coach, and advocate), and have access to additional critical services to assist with transitioning to sustainable independent living with a livable wage.
Provides housing and case management for individuals and families recovering from addiction.
Provides housing and case management for individuals and families recovering from addiction. Works in partnership with other local agencies in order to offer the most robust services and housing opportunities to clients. Stable housing gives patients the first step they need to start on the road to hope and healing. Offers many different types of housing programs, including transitional, short-term, long-term, and emergency.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides emergency shelter for homeless families, and individuals if space is available. Clients can stay in 2 week increments for up to 90 days. Participants receive intensive case management and develop a self sufficiency plan.
Provides emergency shelter for homeless families, and individuals if space is available. Clients can stay in 2 week increments for up to 90 days. Participants receive intensive case management and develop a self sufficiency plan.
Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers an independent living program for homeless single or parenting youth and young adults. Provides an apartment for up to 18 months, help finding a job and access to health/support services. Serves youth ages 18-24 as well as ages 16-17 if youth are emancipated.
Offers an independent living program for homeless single or parenting youth and young adults. Provides an apartment for up to 18 months, help finding a job and access to health/support services
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Homeless families with children may stay, rent free, in a private apartment for up to 2 months while working with a Family Development Specialist.
The Family Development Center consists of ten individual apartment units located in Mount Vernon, where homeless families may stay for a short period of time. Each unit is provided free of charge with essential utilities, furnishings, and household items.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides housing to homeless individuals ages 18 to 24 who are not on probation. Participant must be in school, job training or have a job (staff may help get one). Also must meet requirements as determined by case manager.
Provides housing for homeless individuals, ages 18 to 24.
Must be in school or job training and/or have a job (if needed, staff will assist participant in getting one).
Cannot serve those on probation.
Some requirements include weekly meetings with a case manager and attendance at on-going workshops, when appropriate.
A portion of participant's income goes toward housing costs and is given back at the completion of the program.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides transitional housing, shelter, and job search assistance for families with children who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Also helps locate affordable housing.
Provides a wide range of services to help families with children who are homeless or at risk of being homeless find stability. Helps families work towards their goals by locating resources, providing job and educational support, assisting with financial planning, and helping to locate affordable housing. Families who participate are put on a 90-day program and if further assistance is needed, families can receive After Service Care; however, average exit time is 60 days. Assists with the following: family shelter, budget courses, case management, parenting life skills, job search, and education support.
Specialized Information and Referral
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Housing Search Assistance
Community Shelters
Operates drug- and alcohol-free transitional housing for men; no children. Includes required case management for working toward permanent housing; 12-month maximum stay.
Operates drug- and alcohol-free enhanced shelter for single men. Case management is available for all residents.
Each client has his own carrel, containing a bed and a locking closet.
Operation Sack Lunch staff provide meals for residents.
Building has three floors and includes the following:
- 160 sleeping carrels
- Common space
- Dining room
- Shared bathrooms
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Centralized access point for people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to connect to the programs and services they need. Services include shelter placement and housing/safe parking programs.
Provides telephone and/or in-person screening and assessment for households who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. Telephone screenings are provided for emergency shelter (men's, women's, couples, and families) and winter shelter, including severe weather sites and homeless safe parking programs. Households are assessed for eligibility for rental assistance/housing programs (prevention, rapid re-housing, transitional, and permanent supportive), as well as diversion programs. Funding is limited and assistance is not guaranteed.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rent Payment Assistance
Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing
Homeless Safe Parking Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Community Shelters
Street Outreach Programs
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Provides emergency shelter for survivors of domestic violence, with or without children, at a confidential location; survivors may be of ANY GENDER or non-binary.
Serves survivors of abuse within the home even if not from an intimate partner.
Provides safe, confidential, interim housing apartments for victims of domestic violence, with or without children.
Typical length of stay is 4-12 weeks.
Services for survivors of domestic violence and their children are provided in a nine-unit apartment.
Survivors may be of ANY GENDER or non-binary.
Assists with legal advocacy as well as coordination with medical, mental health or chemical dependency services.
Additional safety planning around special client needs is available.
Safety assessment is a necessary first step.
Also may provide short-term, confidential emergency shelter motels for victims of domestic violence and their children.
Stay is up to 7 days.
Clients may be able to transfer from the hotels to the shelter at the end of the 7 days.
Motel voucher availability fluctuates; call to inquire.