Focus Population
Age Group
Days Of The Week
Payment Options
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Provides supported employment opportunities for people who are blind, both deaf and blind, and blind with other disabilities.
Provides employment opportunities for people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities.
Many opportunities are available in manufacturing and other lines of work.
Employees have access to additional services such as orientation and mobility, computer training, and other programs.
Supported Employment
Special Needs Job Development
Provides temporary and full-time employment opportunities for individuals who are facing barriers to employment. Specializes in assisting veterans, those with disabilities, and ex-offenders in getting back into the workforce through employee training, placement, and support.
Provides temporary and full-time employment opportunities for individuals who are facing barriers to employment. Specializes in assisting veterans, people with disabilities, homeless, and ex-offenders in getting back into the workforce through employee training, placement, and support.
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
Offers vocational rehabilitation services to qualified injured workers. Application must be obtained from hospital/doctor's office where treatment is first administered. Must be filed within one year from date of injury.
Helps workers injured on the job return to work.
Reimburses employers for some of their costs if they can provide temporary light-duty jobs for injured workers while they heal.
Provides a vocational counselor to help identify return to work options, including job modifications.
If no return-to-work options are appropriate, the counselor will help develop a vocational plan to train the worker for new work.
The vocational plan will include paid vocational training as well as time-loss compensation and medical benefits.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides funding and administration services for supported employment services for Clallam County residents with developmental disabilities.
Provides funding and administration services for supported employment services for Clallam County residents with developmental disabilities.
Supported Employment
Job counseling and training for anyone seeking employment with disabilities.
Specialized services for employment are provided for those seeking employment that have difficulty finding employment due to disabilities. Includes job counseling as well as job training.
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Job Search/Placement
Provides a personnel service that matches qualified workers who have developmental disabilities with the labor needs of businesses large and small. Career Consultants with Goodwill assist in the placement, training and supervision.
Provides a personnel service that matches qualified workers who have developmental disabilities with the labor needs of businesses large and small.
Career Consultants with Goodwill assist in the placement, training and supervision of employees at no cost to the employer.
Goal of the program is to ensure the inclusion of persons with disabilities and to assist them in overcoming barriers to employment so that they can obtain competitive wage jobs.
Supported Employment
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.
Assists individuals with disabilities in getting and keeping a job. Works in partnership with the community and businesses to develop employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Once enrolled, clients are assessed to identify strengths, capabilities, work skills, and interests and what DVR services would be needed. Services may include
- Vocational counseling
- Benefit planning so clients understand how earnings from employment could impact the benefits they receive from other programs,
- Independent living services to help clients manage disability issues that get in the way of work.
- Assistive technology evaluations and assessments.
- Job training and education
- Job search assistance
- Support in keeping a job
Prevocational Training
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment
Administers programs that provide child development services, employment services and community access services to Washington state residents with developmental disabilities as defined by state law.
Employment and Day Program services are contracted and include:
Child Development
Meets the developmental needs of each eligible child and the needs of the family related to enhancing the child's development.
Services to the maximum extent appropriate are provided in natural environments and may include
- Specialized instruction,
- Speech-language pathology
- Occupational therapy
- Physical therapy
- Assistive technology
- Vision services
Provides ongoing support services and training for eligible persons with paid jobs in a variety of settings and work sites.
These include
- Individual supported employment
- Group supported employment
- Pre-vocational services
These may be individual or group options in the community and specialized industry settings.
Also provides individualized technical assistance services to those that have not achieved their employment goals.
Community Access services:
- Helps individuals participate in activities that promote individualized skill development, independent living and community integration
- Activities must provide individuals with opportunities to develop personal relationships with others in their local communities and to learn, practice, and apply life skills that promote greater independence and community inclusion
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Administers programs that provide child development services, employment services and community access services to Washington state residents with developmental disabilities as defined by state law.
Provides current Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) clients with various supports.
Provides clients with a federal Individual and Family Services waiver (IFS). The waiver:
- Helps support clients living in the family home
- Provides clients with a choice of services
- Allows clients more control over resources allocated to them
Services can include:
- Assistive technology
- Behavioral health stabilization services
- Positive behavior support and consultation
- Community engagement
- Peer mentoring
- Environmental and vehicular adaptations
- Respite
- Specialized equipment and supplies
- Skilled nursing/nurse delegation
- Occupational, speech and physical therapies
- Specialized clothing
- Transportation to a waiver service
Medicaid state plan service must be exhausted before using waiver services.
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.
Assists individuals with disabilities in getting and keeping a job. Works in partnership with the community and businesses to develop employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Once enrolled, clients are assessed to identify strengths, capabilities, work skills, and interests and what DVR services would be needed. Services may include
- Vocational counseling
- Benefit planning so clients understand how earnings from employment could impact the benefits they receive from other programs,
- Independent living services to help clients manage disability issues that get in the way of work.
- Assistive technology evaluations and assessments.
- Job training and education
- Job search assistance
- Support in keeping a job
Vocational Assessment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Prevocational Training
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.
Assists individuals with disabilities in getting and keeping a job. Works in partnership with the community and businesses to develop employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Once enrolled, clients are assessed to identify strengths, capabilities, work skills, and interests and what DVR services would be needed. Services may include
- Vocational counseling
- Benefit planning so clients understand how earnings from employment could impact the benefits they receive from other programs,
- Independent living services to help clients manage disability issues that get in the way of work.
- Assistive technology evaluations and assessments.
- Job training and education
- Job search assistance
- Support in keeping a job
Vocational Assessment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Prevocational Training
Provides advocacy, information and referral, residential and vocational supports, brokerage support, and supported employment.
Provides advocacy, information and referral, residential and vocational supports, brokerage support, and supported employment. The Supported Living Program provides daily living assistance, including live-in care. Support can include medication administration, financial paperwork and budgeting assistance, assistance with chores and cooking, and social supports.
Developmental Disabilities Activity Centers
Developmental Disabilities Social/Recreational Programs
Developmental Disabilities Behavior Management Programs
Independent Living Skills Instruction
In Home Developmental Disabilities Habilitation Programs
Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Specialized Information and Referral
Day Treatment for Adults With Developmental Disabilities
Assists those who are blind or have low vision in exploring a wide range of possibilities for employment. Helps find the right combination of assistive technology devices and accommodations so they can get or keep a job. Serves Pierce and southwest King County.
Helps people with disabilities overcome barriers to accessing, continuing, or returning to work.
Assists participants in exploring a wide range of possibilities for employment; empower and teach participants to educate themselves about careers and the job market; and help participants identify what tools or skills they may need to prepare for the career of their choice through:
- Assessment, appraisal, program evaluation, and research
- Goal setting and intervention planning
- Case management, referral, and service co-ordination
- Career counseling, job analysis, and job development services
- Functional and work capacity evaluations
Provides assistive technology evaluation and training, information and referrals services to help individuals gain and retain employment.
Vocational Assessment
Evaluation for Assistive Technology
Vocational Rehabilitation
Assistive Technology Training
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.
Assists individuals with disabilities in getting and keeping a job. Works in partnership with the community and businesses to develop employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Once enrolled, clients are assessed to identify strengths, capabilities, work skills, and interests and what DVR services would be needed. Services may include
- Vocational counseling
- Benefit planning so clients understand how earnings from employment could impact the benefits they receive from other programs,
- Independent living services to help clients manage disability issues that get in the way of work.
- Assistive technology evaluations and assessments.
- Job training and education
- Job search assistance
- Support in keeping a job
Prevocational Training
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment
Provides employment, self sufficiency and asset development services to people with disabilities and low income individuals/families. Services are tailored to individual needs of each client and focus on developing economic self-sufficiency.
Provides career coaching, self sufficiency, financial planning/benefits counseling and asset development services.
Services are tailored to individual needs of each client and focus on developing long-term economic self-sufficiency.
Services include
- Career guidance and planning
- Goal setting
- Skills assessment and job training
- Job placement
- Job coaching
- Help with support services such as work clothing and equipment or licenses
- Developing a personal budget
- Access to credit repair and debt repayment assistance
- Education about tax credits for working families
- Access to community resources
- Assistance with food costs and transportation
Vocational Rehabilitation
Career Counseling
Prevocational Training
Vocational Assessment
Prejob Guidance
Job Training and Employment Opportunities for Adults with Disabilities offered at Peninsula Services
Provides an individualized vocational program for disabled adults that may include work training, vocational counseling, interview preparation, resume assistance, job coaching, budgeting, and employment opportunities.
Peninsula Services is a non-profit United Way funded agency that works to train and find employment for persons with disabilities. Most participants are referred to our services by other organizations such as DVR, DDD or DSHS and most recently DSB, and there are no fees charged to the individual.
Offers an array of comprehensive rehabilitative and supportive programs that are based on the belief that persons with disabilities grow and develop as do all persons; that persons with disabilities can work and want to work; and they should be provided with support that accentuates the individual's talents, choice, respect and dignity in pursuing life options.
Training opportunities include All Shred document destruction with mobile shredding truck that can pick up throughout the county, Grounds Maintenance at sites throughout Naval Base Kitsap, and the agency-run Servmart Supply Stores in Bremerton and Oak Harbor, and training at other community sites as well.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Office Supplies
Shredding Services
Supported Employment
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Vocational Assessment
Thrift Shops
Provides employment opportunities for people who are blind, both deaf and blind, and blind with other disabilities.
Provides employment opportunities for people who are blind, DeafBlind, and blind with other disabilities.
Many opportunities are available in manufacturing and other lines of work.
Employees have access to additional services such as orientation and mobility, computer training, and other programs.
Special Needs Job Development
Supported Employment
Offers employment opportunities in aerospace fabrication and/or assembly. Vocational partnership with the Washington State Division of Rehabilitation(DVR) Services Division program.
Offers employment opportunities in aerospace fabrication and/or assembly.
Vocational partnership with DSHS-DVR division program.
Entry level pay rate averages $12 per hour.
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.
Assists individuals with disabilities in getting and keeping a job. Works in partnership with the community and businesses to develop employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Once enrolled, clients are assessed to identify strengths, capabilities, work skills, and interests and what DVR services would be needed. Services may include
- Vocational counseling
- Benefit planning so clients understand how earnings from employment could impact the benefits they receive from other programs,
- Independent living services to help clients manage disability issues that get in the way of work.
- Assistive technology evaluations and assessments.
- Job training and education
- Job search assistance
- Support in keeping a job
Prevocational Training
Vocational Assessment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.
Assists individuals with disabilities in getting and keeping a job. Works in partnership with the community and businesses to develop employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Once enrolled, clients are assessed to identify strengths, capabilities, work skills, and interests and what DVR services would be needed. Services may include
- Vocational counseling
- Benefit planning so clients understand how earnings from employment could impact the benefits they receive from other programs,
- Independent living services to help clients manage disability issues that get in the way of work.
- Assistive technology evaluations and assessments.
- Job training and education
- Job search assistance
- Support in keeping a job
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment
Prevocational Training
Provides technical and soft skills to those who are in need of help with joining the workforce.
Participants rotate through work centers which may include a variety of work that is performed sitting or standing. Participants gain information on attendance and punctuality, motivation, communication, getting along with others, ability to accept feedback, ability to take responsibility, work ethic, ability to retain instructions, work quality, productivity, and personal appearance. Participants will be connected to a mentor and counselor to assist them through the progression of their training. Participants are paid minimum wage while in training. Specialists will assist participants with job placement and continue follow-up for three months after training has ended.
Vocational Rehabilitation
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.
Assists individuals with disabilities in getting and keeping a job. Works in partnership with the community and businesses to develop employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Once enrolled, clients are assessed to identify strengths, capabilities, work skills, and interests and what DVR services would be needed. Services may include
- Vocational counseling
- Benefit planning so clients understand how earnings from employment could impact the benefits they receive from other programs,
- Independent living services to help clients manage disability issues that get in the way of work.
- Assistive technology evaluations and assessments.
- Job training and education
- Job search assistance
- Support in keeping a job
Vocational Rehabilitation
Prevocational Training
Vocational Assessment
Available to Medicaid recipients who have struggled with mental health and/or addiction, currently or in their past who are looking for support to get back into the workforce, start a new career or seek out educational opportunities.
Available to Medicaid recipients who have struggled with mental health and/or addiction, currently or in their past who are looking for support to get back into the workforce, start a new career or seek out educational opportunities.
Ex-Offender Employment Programs
Job Search/Placement
Supported Employment
Offender Advocates
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Teaches life skills such as personal and professional development in self care, problem solving, communication, and employment realities.
Teaches life skills such as personal and professional development in self care, problem solving, communication, and employment realities.
Prejob Guidance
Communication Training
Prevocational Training
Provides skills training to help people with disabilities live independently in the community. Services may include household management, attendant care management, using assistive technology and finding and retaining housing & employment.
Provides skills training to empower people to live independently in the community.
Services may include:
- Information and referral
- Independent living skills training
- Peer support
- Finding and retaining housing
- How to apply for Social Security, DSHS or WA Apple Health (Medicaid)/Medicare
- Assistance with employment including help creating a resume, job search assistance and job preparation services.
All work is focused around the individual consumer's personal goals.
Prejob Guidance
Assistive Technology Information
Prevocational Training
Welfare Rights Assistance
Job Search/Placement
Independent Living Skills Instruction