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Transitional housing program open to single men experiencing any of the following; justice involved, substance abuse recovery, a serious health condition, homelessness, financial hardship, or other life circumstance.
Transitional housing program open to single men experiencing any of the following; justice involved, substance abuse recovery, a serious health condition, homelessness, financial hardship, or other life circumstance. Each person has their own room with a lock and key. Programming is customized to the individual. Must follow house rules.
Offers a variety of housing options that help a family or individual become stably housed.
Offers a variety of housing options that help a family or individual become stably housed.
RRH - Rapid Re-housing: Provides a rental subsidy to help families in the McKinney Program. Program also provides case management, and may last from 3 months to 2 years depending on the needs of the family.
Homeless Set Aside Units - Works with local tax credit apartment complexes that have set aside units specifically for families experiencing homelessness. Case management is also part of this program.
Also owns single occupancy units for individuals exiting shelter. SRO units have shared community areas, kitchens and bedroom facilities.
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides transitional housing for homeless youth 18-24 yrs, looking to better their lives by receiving life skills, personal development, completing their high school diploma, or finding employment.
Provides transitional housing for homeless youth 18-24 yrs, looking to better their lives by receiving life skills, personal development, completing their high school diploma, or finding employment. Youth ages 18-24 who are in the process of completing high school are given priority on the housing and homeless services. In addition to transitional housing, ANSIL's Young Adult Program provides assistance and counseling in life skills, training classes, counseling for housing/employment/education, access to ANSIL's clothing bank, mentorship, our computer lab, and mentorship.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Assists homeless veterans and their families with emergency, transitional, and permanent housing; as well as employment search assistance, applying for veteran benefits, and referrals to other agencies.
Assists homeless veterans and their families with emergency, transitional, and permanent housing; as well as employment search assistance, applying for veteran benefits, and referrals to other agencies.
Specialized Information and Referral
Veteran Employment Programs
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Offers a faith-based men's clean and sober group home where men are edified, encouraged, and discipled.
Offers a faith-based men's clean and sober group home where men are edified, encouraged, and discipled.
Sober Living Homes
Recovery Homes/Halfway Houses
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides various programs to assist families and individuals struggling with housing. Programs include eviction prevention, rental deposit, transitional housing, motel vouchers, Section 8 vouchers, and Housing Related Coordinated Entry.
Provides various programs to assist families and individuals struggling with housing. Programs include eviction prevention rent assistance, rental deposit, transitional housing, motel vouchers, Section 8 vouchers, and Housing Related Coordinated Entry.
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
Rental Deposit Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Operates Kitsap County's single entry point for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, or at-risk of becoming homeless. Arranges the initial intake, screening, and placement for emergency housing and shelter programs.
Operates the coordinated entry program for Kitsap County. This program is the single entry point for individuals and families who are experiencing homelessness, or at risk of becoming homeless. The Housing Solutions Center manages the intake, eligibility pre-screening, and shelter placement for community housing partners. HSC can also provide referrals to mental health providers, drug and alcohol treatment centers, and domestic violence shelter and services. Clients must visit site or make an appointment to apply in person. Housing Solutions Center coordinates the intake for: - Catholic Community Services - Benedict House - St. Vincent de Paul Women's Shelter - Coffee Oasis - , KCR Emergency Shelter and Supportive Housing - North Kitsap Fishline - Safe Park - Kitsap Rescue Mission - Georgia's House Women's Shelter- Kitsap Rescue Mission
Emergency Shelter Clearinghouses
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Homeless Safe Parking Programs
Community Shelters
Provides transitional housing for families and individuals transitioning out of homelessness.
Provides transitional housing for families and individuals transitioning out of homelessness. Household are eligible for services up to 24-months, however, starts working with families right away to get them on track to exit onto stable housing as soon as possible. Household must earn 30 percent or less of the Area Median Income (AMI).
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides interim housing and family services, up to 90 days, for women and children. Clients focus on securing permanent housing while stabilizing their family unit and leveraging resources.
provides interim housing and family services, up to 90 days, for women and children. Clients focus on securing permanent housing while stabilizing their family unit and leveraging resources. Case management services are required, and access is offered to our job training and economic empowerment programs.
Domestic Violence Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides transitional, shared housing to men who are clean and sober, or who are willing to become clean and sober. Housing is shared room - two to a room. No limit on how long someone can stay in this housing. Housing is at several locations.
Provides transitional housing at several locations to adult men and women who are clean and sober, or who are willing to become clean and sober.
Housing is shared room - two to a room.
No limit on how long someone can stay in this housing.
Can work with those who may have previously been incarcerated (no sex-offenders).
There is a weekly house meeting to attend.
The operators of the home are moved by their faith to help the community, residents in the homes are not required to participate in any faith-based meetings or groups.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Access to overnight services for the homeless under severe weather conditions.
Serenity House's Enhanced Congregate Shelter ensures homeless single adults have a safe place to sleep. Our services include: 3 meals daily, shower access, laundry, lockers, housing location/counseling, weekly onsite medical and behavioral health treatment, medical respite program, and limited transportation to and from downtown Port Angeles. The shelter can accommodate well behaved pets, emotional or service animals, and adult couples. Sobriety at entry is not required. Shelter in place is activated during "Blue Flag" extreme weather conditions.
Community Shelters
Homeless Drop In Centers
Extreme Weather Shelters
Day Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Urban Campsites
Provides transitional housing for single female adults or single parent (ages 19-34) with small children (under 5)
Provides transitional shared housing for Single female adults or single parent (ages 19-34) with small children (under 5), who are working and/or going to school.
Provides various housing programs for families and individuals to assist with things like affordable housing, eviction prevention, emergency shelter, housing support, homelessness diversion, and more.
Provides various housing programs for families and individuals to assist with things like affordable housing, eviction prevention, emergency shelter, housing support, homelessness diversion, and more.
Community Shelters
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rent Payment Assistance
Housing Search Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Homeless Diversion Programs
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Offers a 2-year residential program for women; required technology and life skills classes. Case managers offer guidance and support as residents work toward a living-wage career and self-sufficiency. May have rooms available for pregnant women. Usually has a waitlist.
Offers a transitional housing program focusing on employment readiness and self-sufficiency for women experiencing poverty and homelessness, where residents may stay up to a maximum of two years.
All residents have private rooms with shared kitchen areas, bathrooms, laundry facilities, lounge and recreational areas. Residents are expected to participate in core classes, attend house meetings, meet regularly with a case manager and wellness specialist, and set and work towards achieving personal goals for self-sufficiency.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides transitional housing and deposit/first month's rent for homeless, permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless & disabled, and rent assistance for those that are 3 months behind or have an eviction notice. Helps with motel vouchers when funding permits.
Provides transitional housing (up to 2 years) for homeless individuals/families and permanent supportive housing for chronically homeless & disabled individuals. Clients receive case management services in clean and sober environment, participate in self-sufficiency skill development. Housing is available in both the Upper and Lower Yakima Valley. Provides move-in assistance and homeless prevention.
Programs include:
- Move-in Assistance & Homeless Prevention: provides rent assistance for those who are 3 months behind. Assists with move-in costs, such as deposit and first month rent.
- Coordinated Entry for homeless individuals and families seeking housing solutions.
- Homeless Resource Center: staff work closely with clients who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to help with safe shelter, transportation, household items and hygiene items. Sometimes rental or utility assistance and many other services that are needed will be provided. Clients are screened for eligibility.
- Transitional and Permanent Supportive Housing: YNHS manages several housing units and works with many landlords in Yakima County to provide housing for individuals and families.
- Street Outreach: Outreach team (nurses, behavioral health specialists, outreach and housing specialists) use the easily identifiable YNHS Outreach van to visit local shelters and other places where homeless might be, hoping to engage individuals and offer services.
- Helps with motel vouchers when funding permits.
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Rental Deposit Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Homeless Diversion Programs
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Offers three housing programs to assist individuals who are homeless or about to be homeless, as well as limited rental assistance for those who have an eviction notice.
Offers three housing programs to assist individuals who are homeless or about to be homeless, as well as limited rental assistance for those who have an eviction notice.
1. Shelter: Offers a 3-30 day stay in a 5-room facility for homeless individuals and families. Each household has a private room but shares the kitchen, living area, and restrooms with the other residents. Case management services are available during shelter stay.
2. Supportive Housing: Two year housing and case management services for adults with disabilities.
3. Also offers limited rental assistance to households facing eviction.
Goldendale Shelter and Transitions Program offers:
- Shelter: For homeless individuals or families who have an attachment to Goldendale, a 1-3 day motel voucher can be provided as temporary crisis intervention.
- Transitional Housing: Similar to the Guided Path Program, Goldendale's scattered site transitional housing program offers intense case management for families with minor children.
- Rental Assistance: Limited funds are available to help households that are in danger of being evicted for not paying their rent.
Skamania County Homeless Housing Program offers:
- Shelter: the Skamania County Shelter offers a 3 to 30 day stay in a five bedroom facility. Case management services are available while at the Shelter.
- Transitional Housing: Similar to the programs at Guided Path and Goldendale, the Skamania County program provides 2 years of residential stability, individualized plans and goals, and case management.
- Rental Assistance: Limited funds are available to help households that are in danger of being evicted for not paying their rent.
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Rent Payment Assistance
Family Permanent Supportive Housing
Community Shelters
Transitional Housing/Shelter
An emergency housing program providing safety, stability, and supportive housing for single homeless men. Residents can stay for a period up to 90 days in an emergency bed.
Benedict House is an emergency and transitional housing program providing safety, stability and supportive housing for single homeless men and homeless men with children. Resident receive the help they need to rebuild their lives and to move them towards permanent housing, Resident stay for a period of up to 90 days in an emergency bed, and up to 2 years in the family unit.
Provides help to veterans in accessing VA and community services.
Provides help to veterans in accessing VA and community services. Services may include short-term case management, onsite primary care, access to medical, mental health, and substance abuse treatment, and access to VA housing programs, including Grant and Per Diem program, HUD/VASH, Veterans Recovery House and Supportive Service for Veteran Families (SSVF) if found eligible. These grants do not provide immediate assistance, are sometimes one-time, and may include case management. Help with finding market rate or subsidized housing or linkage to community housing programs. Assistance with expediting VA Benefit claims and access to employment programs such as Supported Employment, Veterans Reintegration program, and State employment. Access to computers, clothing, and hygiene items is available onsite.
Personal/Grooming Supplies
Veteran Benefits Assistance
Case/Care Management
Housing Related Coordinated Entry
Housing Search Assistance
Veteran Employment Programs
Veteran Outpatient Clinics
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Specialized Information and Referral
Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
General Clothing Provision
Substance Use Disorder Referrals
Provides transitional housing for individuals who are reintegrating post-prison/jail and also willing to actively engage in recovery.
Provides transitional housing for individuals who are reintegrating post-prison/jail and also willing to actively engage in recovery.
Program provides:
- Clean and sober environment
- Pathways to employment
- Re-integration support and resources
Ex-Offender Reentry Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Locator with housing information for 25 states. Transitional housing is temporary housing for the working homeless population and is set up to transition their residents to permanent housing.
Locator with housing information for 25 states. Transitional housing is temporary housing for the working homeless population and is set up to transition their residents to permanent housing.
Provides emergency shelter at two locations for those who are currently homeless. Call to speak with the shelter manager.
Housing Hope has two locations that offer emergency shelter, Crossroads Shelter in Everett and at Lervick Family Village in Stanwood. Residents at the emergency shelters receive wrap-around services that include intensive case management services and special assistance to make sure they have the basics to begin a household.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides a homeless prevention program designed to assist veteran families at risk of homelessness to maintain their housing and to rapidly re-house veteran families who have recently become homeless.
Provides a homeless prevention program designed to assist veteran families at risk of homelessness to maintain their housing, and to rapidly re-house veteran families who have recently become homeless. Specific services include: case management, service referrals, and rapid rehousing.
Case/Care Management
Rapid Re-Housing Programs
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Rental Deposit Assistance
Provides permanent supportive housing to veterans, those being released from prison, or those experiencing homelessness. Housing is provided in a dormitory style setting. Those in housing can qualify for the life skills/employment programs.
Provides permanent supportive housing to veterans, those being released from prison, or those experiencing homelessness.
Housing is provided in a dormitory style setting (shared rooms).
Those in the program can qualify for:
- Life Skills and Rapid Employment programs,
- Case Management services,
- Counseling Services as needed for substance abuse and mental health care, and
- Legal Assistance in expunging qualifying offenses.
Life Skills Program assists with daily living skills.
Rapid Employment can assist with employment, including janitorial work and a recycling program.
Also trains people in the use of electronics, computers, and for High Demand Industries.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Ex-Offender Halfway Houses
Provides human and health services with basic needs, mental health, transitional housing, housing programs for literally and chronically homeless households, and family support services.
Provides human and health services with basic needs, mental health, transitional housing, housing programs for literally and chronically homeless households, case management, and family support services.
Family Support Centers/Outreach
Electric Service Payment Assistance
Central Intake/Assessment for Mental Health Services
Case/Care Management Referrals
General Clothing Provision
Prescription Expense Assistance
Gas Service Payment Assistance
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Provides transitional housing. Clients will have access to a mentor and must attend 3 meetings per week.
Provides transitional housing. Clients will have access to a mentor and must attend 3 meetings per week.
Transitional Housing/Shelter
Human Trafficking Shelters