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Helps Latino immigrant women achieve economic self-sufficiency. Focuses on participation, network, promotion, training and job referrals.
Job development and job seeking assistance for individuals who already have specific skills and some previous work history.
Offers support services to help participants successfully integrate into the community through employment. Includes employment assistance, behavioral health services and care coordination. Focuses on helping those with substantial barriers to employment.


Prevocational Training
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Offers a youth education and employment and training program for youth 16-24 years of age.


Classroom Training
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Prejob Guidance
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Provides a comprehensive family, career, and education-based approach to help students with 1:1 Coaching, Job Search & Retention, Life & Family skills, Money Management, and Vocational or Continuing education preparation.


Job Search/Placement
Personal Financial Counseling
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Provides job preparation classes teaching job search tools and strategies, resumes, cover letters, networking, and interviewing. Virtual and in-person coaching. Online and in-person classes offered in collaboration with Oregon WorkSource.
Provides one-on-one computer help for women ages 18 and older; no kids. Offers basic computer skills training, resume writing and job and housing search assistance. Pets allowed.


Job Search Resource Centers
Public Internet Access Sites
Job Search/Placement
Housing Search Assistance
Prejob Guidance
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. A computer laboratory and resource room are available for job searching and career planning activities.
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops for youth, adults, dislocated worker, migrant seasonal farmworkers, and veterans.


State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Public Access Computers/Tools
Professional Skills Development Support
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
On the Job Training
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Corps
Veteran Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Special Needs Job Development
Case/Care Management
Job Banks
Business Assistance Centers
WIOA Programs
Work Experience
Career Counseling
Provides a wide range of employment and training services for youth, adults, and seniors; including training, education, and support they may need to pursue their career and succeed in the workforce.


Career Awareness
Career Exploration
WIOA Programs
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Displaced Worker Employment Programs
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Work Experience
Welfare to Work Programs
Job Retraining
Career Counseling
Offers ESL, Adult Basic Education (ABE), GED and the External Diploma Program (EDP). Teaches computer familiarity, office basics, work readiness skills and other workshops. Services include career and skills assessment.


Job Banks
Career Counseling
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Adult High School Diploma Programs
Job Fairs
Vocational Assessment
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Adult Basic Education
English as a Second Language
Prejob Guidance
Offers individual job search assistance and job preparedness workshops. Provides a list of job openings, computerized job matching system, employer services and phone and computer access for filing employment insurance benefits.


State Unemployment Insurance Applications
Career Counseling
Business Assistance Centers
Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Public Access Computers/Tools
Job Banks
Assists with a wide range of employment support services for youth ages 18-24, including resume building, cover letter writing, guided job search, life skills, mock interviews, completing applications, supplies, clothing, and employment-related fuel assistance/monthly bus passes.


Work Related Fee Payment Assistance
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Work Clothing
Gas Money
Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers
Offers various classes and workshops pertaining to business and agricultural including basic computer classes, meat cutting workshop, and various safety training programs.
Helps veterans and their spouses find jobs and gives them priority access to WorkSource services, including assistance with job search skills, career counseling and referrals to training and other resources.


Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Special Needs Job Development
Career Counseling
Provides a variety of classes open to the public and offered at no charge.
Provides job readiness skills including resume preparation, job search assistance, job interview help and on the job coaching to assist in job retention.


Job Retraining
Supported Employment
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Offers a broad range of print, online and audiovisual material that reflects the great diversity of interests and opinions in Pierce County communities. Provides free 24/7 access to online services.


Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Prejob Guidance
Public Libraries
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Book Loan
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Provides the following job placement services:  Job seeking skills training (including resumes, cover letters, interviewing techniques, and job applications); job development and placement; and local labor market information.
Helping individuals achieve their career goals and find meaningful employment. We provide various services and resources to support your journey, including job search strategies, labor market information, career planning, training opportunities, job placement assistance, and more.
Provides a full range of career search assistance and vocational training for low-income residents in higher-poverty zip codes.


Job Search Resource Centers
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Loans books, videos, magazines, newspapers, CDs, DVDs, books on tape, audio tapes and other materials. Also offers adult computer classes, conducts storytimes for children, and provides programs for adults, teens and children.


Book Loan
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Prejob Guidance
Story Hour
Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Provides education and job training to young adults.


Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Financial Literacy Training
Provides a 3-week online job readiness course, combined with one-on-one job placement assistance. Program covers job readiness skills, 30-second commercials, revamping resumes, networking, interviewing, communication skills, online applications, Microsoft Office skills, soft skills and more.


Prejob Guidance
Job Search/Placement
Job Websites
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Internet Courses
Offers a broad range of print, online and audiovisual material that reflects the great diversity of interests and opinions in Pierce County communities. Provides free 24/7 access to online services.


Extreme Heat Cooling Centers
Public Libraries
Prejob Guidance
Extreme Cold Warming Centers
Computer and Related Technology Classes
Book Loan