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Provides referrals to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. Callers can also order free publications and other information in print on substance use disorder and mental health issues.


Government Information Services
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Provides information regarding meeting times/locations of support groups for drug abusers.


Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Peer Counseling
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Helps alcoholics achieve sobriety through 12-step support groups throughout Kitsap and North Mason Counties.


Families/Friends of Individuals With an Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Support Group Clearinghouses
Provides 24-hour crisis lines for military members and their families.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Veteran/Military Hotlines
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Operates a statewide behavioral health helpline for those dealing with issues related to substance use, problem gambling and mental health. Provides referrals to treatment providers, including providers who offer medication assisted treatment.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Gambling Addiction Helplines
Maintains a website and 24-hour message line for support group meetings; volunteers will return calls with further information. Meetings provide mutual support to help individuals stay drug-free.


Support Group Clearinghouses
Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Offers support groups specific to crystal meth addiction. Also provides a hotline for information and to offer support. Helpline is not a crisis hotline and not equipped to respond to emergencies or answer any questions of a medical or legal nature.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Provides a 24-hour hotline dealing with issues/concerns relating to alcoholism.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Provides a 12-step program support group where addicts meet regularly to help each other stay clean.


Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Peer Counseling
Operates a national hotline where people about to use substances and potentially overdose can call. If the caller stops responding, the operator will reach out to EMS to go out to a caller's location to help.
Operates a 24-hour hotline that can answer questions on caring for a drug-affected or drug-addicted infant up to age two.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Medical Information Services
Helps alcoholics in the Sequim area achieve sobriety through 12-step support groups.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Support Group Clearinghouses
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Operates a crisis line with professionals available to speak with anyone experiencing a crisis due to mental illness or substance use issues.


General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Mental Health Crisis Lines
Provides regional crisis line to triage, screen, and conduct an assessment of needs and intervention preferences, offer support, coordinate with local treatment providers, and facilitate linkage to interventions and resources.


Mental Health Crisis Lines
General Crisis Intervention Hotlines
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Suicide Prevention Hotlines
Operates a 24-hour confidential hotline for those with poisoning, medication overdose and illicit drug use questions. Provides poison information that can aid in diagnosis and emergency treatment. All calls are confidential.


Poison Control
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Medical Information Services
Facilitates support groups and a 24-hour helpline for people who have a desire to stop using drugs.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Peer Counseling
Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Provides several behavioral health helplines and treatment locator tools.


Drug Use Disorder Education/Prevention
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Alcohol Use Disorder Education/Prevention
General Mental Health Information/Education
Therapy Referrals
Substance Use Disorder Referrals
Post Disaster Crisis Counseling
Provides a Psychedelic Peer Support Line which provides confidential peer-to-peer emotional support by phone and text message to people who are in the midst of psychedelic experiences or processing past psychedelic experiences.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Coordinates 12-step support groups throughout King County, including gender separate meetings, as well as special groups for Native Americans, Spanish speakers and those who identify as LGBTQ. Operates a 24-hour helpline.


Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Alcohol Use Disorder Support Groups
Provides 24-hour crisis lines alcohol and drug addiction.
Facilitates support groups and a helpline for people who have desire to stop abusing drugs. Provides emotional support and peer-in-recovery counseling to help those with substance use disorders deal with feelings and share experiences.


Drug Use Disorder Support Groups
Substance Use Disorder Hotlines
Support Group Clearinghouses
Provides a 24-hour hotline dealing with issues/concerns relating to alcoholism.