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Provides supported employment opportunities for people who are blind, both deaf and blind, and blind with other disabilities.
Offers pre-employment and employment day programs for adults in the Seattle area living with mental illness. Members work with staff to develop work skills, self-confidence and strengths. Also provides an extensive social program.


Prevocational Training
Clubhouse Model Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Disability Related Center Based Employment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.


Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment
Prevocational Training
Provides skills training to help people with disabilities live independently in the community. Services may include household management, attendant care management, using assistive technology and finding and retaining housing & employment.


Job Search/Placement
Assistive Technology Information
Prevocational Training
Prejob Guidance
Independent Living Skills Instruction
Welfare Rights Assistance
Administers programs that provide child development services, employment services and community access services to Washington state residents with developmental disabilities as defined by state law.


Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs
Provides Medicaid recipients with behavioral or physical health issues, non-tangible person-centered supportive services to connect to and maintain employment.


Prejob Guidance
Vocational Rehabilitation
Homeless Employment Programs
Provides information, referral, consultation, and advocacy services related to deaf-blindness; links people who are both deaf and blind with services and training.


Disability Rights Groups
Specialized Information and Referral
Vocational Rehabilitation
Provides support and advocacy to Deaf, hard of hearing, and late-deafened individuals who struggle to communicate because of their hearing. Focuses on helping them live independently.


Independent Living Skills Instruction
Prevocational Training
Case/Care Management
Provides mental health case management, psychiatric treatment, medication monitoring, limited therapy and protective payeeships for homeless and formerly homeless clients who are chronically mentally ill. Clients may self-refer.


Prevocational Training
Psychiatric Case Management
Psychiatric Medication Services
Community Mental Health Agencies
Vocational Rehabilitation
Contracts with agencies to provide employment services and supports to students as they transition from high school to adult services.
Offers comprehensive support for career development and financial stability, including job placement, career counseling, workforce preparation and vocational training. Tailored to meet the needs of low-income adults facing barriers to employment.


WIOA Programs
Prevocational Training
Career Exploration
Job Search/Placement
Career Counseling
Prejob Guidance
Offers job search assistance, job placement and vocational training assistance for individuals receiving federal food benefits (Basic Food/SNAP). Partners with King County colleges and vocational institutes, BankWork$ and the YWCA's Homeless Employment Program.
Assists those who are blind or have low vision in exploring a wide range of possibilities for employment. Helps find the right combination of assistive technology devices and accommodations so they can get or keep a job.


Assistive Technology Training
Vocational Rehabilitation
Evaluation for Assistive Technology
Vocational Assessment
Offers vocational rehabilitation services to qualified injured workers. Application must be obtained from hospital/doctor's office where treatment is first administered. Must be filed within one year from date of injury.
Offers support services to help participants successfully integrate into the community through employment. Includes employment assistance, behavioral health services and care coordination. Focuses on helping those with substantial barriers to employment.


Prevocational Training
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Career Counseling
Offers support services to help participants successfully integrate into the community through employment. Includes employment assistance, behavioral health services and care coordination. Focuses on helping those with substantial barriers to employment.


Career Counseling
Job Search/Placement
Prevocational Training
Prejob Guidance
Offers pre-employment and employment day programs for adults on the Eastside living with mental illness. Members work with staff to develop work skills, self-confidence and strengths. Also provides an extensive social program.


Disability Related Center Based Employment
Mental Health Drop In Centers
Vocational Rehabilitation
Prevocational Training
Clubhouse Model Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.


Prevocational Training
Vocational Assessment
Vocational Rehabilitation
Contracts with DVR to help people with disabilities to prepare for, obtain and retain employment.


Prevocational Training
Special Needs Job Development
Vocational Rehabilitation
Offers vocational rehabilitation services to qualified injured workers. Application must be obtained from hospital/doctor's office where treatment is first administered. Must be filed within one year from date of injury.
Offers support services to help participants successfully integrate into the community through employment. Includes employment assistance, behavioral health services and care coordination. Focuses on helping those with substantial barriers to employment.


Career Counseling
Prevocational Training
Job Search/Placement
Prejob Guidance
Provides employment, self sufficiency and asset development services to people with disabilities and low income individuals/families. Services are tailored to individual needs of each client and focus on developing economic self-sufficiency.


Vocational Rehabilitation
Career Counseling
Prevocational Training
Vocational Assessment
Prejob Guidance
Focuses on employing people with disabilities with community businesses. Helps locate an appropriate job with a specific employer for each client. Offers job coaching and follow-up services.
Provides vocational rehabilitation services to individuals with disabilities including assessment, counseling, job preparation/placement and support services.


Prevocational Training
Vocational Rehabilitation
Vocational Assessment
Offers vocational rehabilitation services to qualified injured workers. Application must be obtained from hospital/doctor's office where treatment is first administered. Must be filed within one year from date of injury.